Vigilantism: A relic of the past, now threatening the future
  a.. Siauw Tiong Djin 
  Chairman of Herb Feith Foundation
Jakarta | Tue, June 13, 2017 | 03:19 pm
Stay defiant -- Islam Defenders Front (FPI) Habib Rizieq Shihab gives a press 
statement after his questioning at the Jakarta Police on Jan.23. (Antara/Reno 
Indonesians may feel relieved now for the government and police have acted 
swiftly and firmly on cases of vigilantism done by radical group Islamic 
Defenders Front (FPI) towards people who commented on the pornographic case 
involving the group’s leader Rizieq Shihab.

National Police chief Gen. Tito Karnavian said that the vigilantism violated 
the laws and would be firmly dealt with. Two men directly involved in 
intimidating a 15 year old boy of Chinese descent in East Jakarta have been 
arrested. Solok Police chief Adj. Sr. Comr. Susmewalati Rosya was replaced over 
her inability to prevent the persecution of a physician at Solok Regional 
Hospital, Fiersa Lovita.

It is in our hope that other vigilantism cases will be handled justly by the 
national police.

So far, the Joko “Jokowi” Widodo’s administration shows commitment to uphold 
the rule of law and to punish those who violate the basic principles of the 
Unitary State of Indonesia, state principles Pancasila and state motto Bhinneka 
Tunggal Ika (Unity in Diversity).

The purpose of the radical group members are clear, they are committing a 
political terror to silence the people and to discourage positive reaction 
towards government’s action. More specifically, they want to spread anti-Jokowi 
sentiment on the grassroots level.

The government had previously banned the anti-Pancasila and anti-diversity 
Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI). While FPI is not banned (yet), there are a lot 
of indications that FPI sponsors various anti-Pancasila and anti-diversity 

Rizieq has been repeatedly reported to the National Police's Criminal 
Investigation Department (Bareskrim) for his various public statements that 
contain elements of religious blasphemy, insults on the country’s first 
president Sukarno, Pancasila, and Sundanese people.

It was Sukmawati Sukarnoputri who reported Rizieq for his insult on Sukarno and 
Pancasila, which stated that, “In Sukarno’s Pancasila, belief in one and only 
god [the first principle] is on the butt, while the Jakarta Charter’s is in the 

The meaning is clear, Rizieq wishes to reinstate the Jakarta Charter’s version 
of the Pancasila, implying a more Islamic Indonesia that upholds sharia law. He 
aims to change the revolutionary spirit of our founding fathers, who did not 
want to see Indonesia become an Islamic country, due to the country’s diversity 
principle. Hence, it is obvious that Rizieq has violated the essence of the 
first Pancasila principle which has been recognized as the state’s foundation.

Rizieq has been named suspect in a pornography case, with other cases still in 
the investigation process. These cases can lead to the disbandment of FPI in 

The last National Awakening Day commemoration on May 20 gave a ray of hope 
since the government and various political organization seized the moment to 
emphasize the importance of defending our unity, the pluralistic Indonesian 
nation that embraces various cultures and traditions including that of 

Jokowi brings back a habit from Sukarno’s regime in celebrating the birth of 
Pancasila every June 1. The celebration holds a significant meaning since on 
June 1 1945, Sukarno presented the basic principles of Pancasila as state 
foundation in the BPUPKI meeting, supported by the country’s founding fathers. 
Sukarno firmly stated that Pancasila reflects the main characteristics of the 
nation: upholding interreligious tolerance, pluralistic Indonesian nation, a 
just and civilized humanity, democracy, and law that guarantees social justice.

Our founding fathers clearly intended a nation that is against sharia, that 
upholds democracy, against racism, against vigilantism and other human right 
violations, and also against corruption that eats away people’s welfare. The 
motto Bhinneka Tunggal Ika emphasizes this anti-racism view and shows that 
Indonesia is against the tyranny of majority and oppression towards minority. 

Indonesian government under Jokowi administration’s firm stance against 
vigilantism or intimidation has been a correct one. Vigilantism is an obvious 
crime that violates not only the law but also Pancasila. 

To gather people’s support in defending the state, Pancasila, our diversity and 
the constitution, it is important for the government to spread awareness of the 
past. Under the New Order, there were a lot of violations of the basic 
principles of the nation.

>From 1965 to 1967, Soeharto’s regime not only supported but also led the mass 
>killings of millions of innocents, capturing and prisoning hundreds of 
>thousands, and persecuting many others. Hundreds of thousands of prisoners of 
>conscience and persecution of those seen as leftist continued for decades. All 
>these violations of law and Pancasila happened without adequate legal process. 
>Ironically, Soeharto justified these violations, saying that he was upholding 
>Pancasila and implementing the constitution. 

Now, several figures who rely on the support of Islamic radical organizations 
–that wish to turn Indonesia to an Islamic state based on sharia law— are a 
part of political force involved in those past violations.

They are also those who become opposition of the Jokowi administration, who 
want to continue the corrupted system that has disadvantaged the people. If the 
2019 presidential election runs similarly with the 2017 Jakarta gubernatorial 
election, with money politics and intimidation based on race and religion and 
other legal problems, these people can once again lead the nation.

Imagine yourselves what will happen. 


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