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Date: wo 25 mrt. 2020 om 03:28
Subject: patient number zero Covid19 sejagat

Where is this Covid19 pandemic originated from?

Copy paste:
Kabar terbaru : Pasien No.nol sudah ditemukan sekarang,  ternyata dia
adalah seorang tentara Amerika yang menghadiri Olimpiade Militer di Oktober
lalu. Namanya adalah Maatje Benassi.

Maatje Benassi memiliki saudara, Matthew Benassi, yang bekerja di Fort
Detrick, sebuah laboratorium senjata biokimia militer Amerika yg telah
ditutup pada bulan Juli 2019.
Dia berpartisipasi dalam Pertandingan Militer Wuhan Oktober lalu sebagai
pengendara sepeda wanita, dan dia berkompetisi pada 21 Oktober.
Pada titik ini, Amerika Serikat adalah sumber bukti untuk pneumonia
COVID-19. Rantai hubungan terjalin antar Pertandingan Militer Wuhan dan
laboratorium biokimia yg ditutup di Amerika Serikat akhirnya memiliki
hubungan yang substansial.

Bagaimana dia ditemukan?
Beberapa wartawan di Amerika Serikat telah berusaha menemukan sumber
sebenarnya dari penularan COVID-19 ini. Akhirnya, mereka menemukan petugas
wanita ini yang telah berpartisipasi dalam Pertandingan Militer Wuhan.
Secara kebetulan, salah satu kerabatnya adalah Pasien Nol di Belanda.
 (Juga dikatakan Italia, belum dipastikan).

Kita harus berterima kasih kepada para jurnalis Amerika ini karena akhirnya
(walaupun tanpa sengaja) membantu China menemukan bukti kunci.
Berikut ini adalah video yang diunduh oleh netizen dari Twitter


Tepat ketika politisi Amerika dan media mengoperasikan mesin propaganda
untuk mendiskreditkan Wuhan, Cina, adalah tempat kelahiran pneumonia
Covid-19, bukti ini datang pada waktu yang tepat.

Sekarang kita telah menemukan bukti kunci bahwa Amerika Serikat adalah
tempat kelahiran virus Corona ini. Sekarang Amerika Serikat tidak dapat
menyangkalnya lagi. Tiongkok dapat mengambil inisiatif lebih banyak dalam
perang opini publik.
Tentara AS membawa  virus corona ke Wuhan. Wuhan adalah korban dan Cina
adalah korban terbesar didunia ini. Menurut beberapa orang di Amerika
Serikat, Cina dapat mengembalikan nama baiknya seperti semula.

Alam raya memberkati Tiongkok! Tidak ada yang bisa menghentikan
perkembangan besar bangsa Tiongkok, dan semua upaya untuk menghentikan
kebangkitan Tiongkok telah gagal.

Copy paste:
Ini kabaran Dari jepang.covid bukan Dari china.tapi Dari amerika.mereka
Mulai periksa yang dibilang flu banyak yang paru paru nya infeksi.orang
amerika banyak yang kena flu Dan banyak yang mati.sekarang Mulai diperiksa
Baru ketahuan kalau Covid.waktu china menjajah di hubei China dgn tegas
mentutup provinsi.tapi amerika tidak Bisa.takut economi jepluk.contoh waktu
flu H1N1 menjajah thn 2009 dibiarkan nyebrar senate to dunia sampai yang
mati lebih Dari setengah juta.china Bisa gerak cepat. Kalau tidak bahaya
lebih besar.sekaraNg sudah Mulai mereda.harap bisa jadi contoh dunia.

Copy paste:
The United States must surrender 5 special soldiers who were picked up by
special aircraft after the Wuhan Military Games!

 Global Exposure Network yesterday


 In the United States, you must submit 5 special troops returned by special
aircraft after the Wuhan Military Games, and let WHO verify the truth!

 To find out if the virus originated in the United States, it is actually
very simple. You only need to check with WHO. The US military sent a
special plane from Wuhan to receive whether the five soldiers had the same
C family as new crown pneumonia as Wuhan patients. ? !!
 At present, the focus of suspicion in Japan, Taiwan, Russia and Germany is:
 1. At the end of October 2019, why did the United States spend huge
capital to send a special plane to pick up five sick athletes from Wuhan?
 2. The performance of the US team is outstanding, he scored 0 points and 0
gold medals (133 gold medals for the Chinese team), ranked 35th. Are 369
soldiers sent by the United States a special group that cannot shoot?
Biochemical Warrior? The most questionable is why the United States used a
special plane to take five sick athletes from Wuhan, because the military
match had ended at that time. If they suffer from a common illness, why not
wait 2 days and return to the United States with more than 360 soldiers?
Besides, I really want to go home, why not use an ordinary civilian plane
at Wuhan International Airport!
 However, if these soldiers are biochemical soldiers who accidentally
poison themselves when they are poisoned after the military match is over,
they must return to the United States before their illness worsens, if they
find fever and other symptoms, if not, after the Chinese find Import is a
serious infectious disease. The American conspiracy is not only defeated,
the Chinese will quickly close the city, and the US will also face very
serious political consequences. Therefore, we must send special aircraft as
soon as possible to pick them up. One is that their serious illnesses will
cause the Chinese side to be alert, and the other is a cross infection will
occur if they return to the same plane with 360 other US troops. Now, the
United States is required to surrender five American soldiers and check
whether they have the same C-family virus as patients in Wuhan.
 The problem is that the five people have evaporated.
 There are five neocrown virus families as the ABCDE family. The AB family
is a parent virus, the C family is their son, and D and E are the sons of C..

 In 80,000 cases in mainland China, there is only the C family, while in
the United States, ABCDE is everything. C is the son of AB. Without
parents, how can he have a son?
 In August last year, the largest biological and chemical weapons base in
the United States was closed immediately, followed by a large "flu"
outbreak in the United States, which killed more than 10,000 people.
 At the end of October, the Wuhan World Military Games were held, and
American soldiers shopped. In November, patients with new crowns appeared
in Wuhan, and are now a worldwide epidemic.
 1. Who is the letter 0 in the end?
 2. Is the seafood market really a source of epidemic?
 3. What is the purpose of the US Biochemical Weapons Laboratory to develop
and synthesize the corona virus?
 4. Why was the largest US biological and chemical weapons base closed in
August last year?
 5. Why did the American Institute of Stone XX team contribute thousands of
Chinese chrysanthemums?
 6. Gene sequence, why is there only the C family virus in China? In the
case of the US, ABCDE is everything.
 7. The Director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Response said
that in the past there were a number of cases in the United States that
were thought to have died of the flu, but actually died from infection with
the new crown virus. Can the medical records of the deceased be made public?

 With all the questions above, I hope the United States will give the world
an account.

 Please continue this article for everyone!

 No matter how busy you are, take 1 second to put it in your circles! Maybe
your friend needs it too! thank you.

The truth of all these claims will eventually surface into light in due
time. China relentlessly searching for it to clear the burden of being
called the Virus.



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