Extend solidarity amidst COVID-19 Pandemic!
 03/23/2020  General Secretariat  0 Comments
Statement on COVID-19 Pandemic

ILPS Commission on the Environment and Climate Justice

The people of the world face tremendous suffering as the Coronavirus Disease 
2019 (COVID-19) pandemic widens and worsens. It has spread across the globe and 
has infected, as of this writing, at least 190,000 people in more than 150 
countries around the world. [i] COVID-19 strikes twice as it affects both the 
health of the people and their economic survival. It fans the flames of the 
global economic crisis and thus doubly exacerbates the injustices suffered by 
the marginalized.

The biggest stock markets like the Dow Jones, FTSE, Nikkei of the United 
States, United Kingdom, and Japan, respectively, have already lost a cumulative 
average of 30% of their value since the virus outbreak in February 2020. In the 
second week of March, the Dow saw its biggest one-day decline since 1987.[ii]  
In China, the manufacturing operations and industrial production declined by 
13% while consumer consumption declined by 20%.

Pandemics like COVID-19 have occurred more frequently and have affected wider 
areas since the start of capitalism. It further intensifies at the turn of the 
20th century, the era of imperialism. Seven (7) of the 10 worst pandemics that 
occurred in history happened from 1850s to 2012.[iii]

Capitalism is a fertile breeding ground for the occurrence of epidemics and 
pandemics. People are forced to concentrate and interact in relatively smaller 
areas such as urban cities, factories, and malls as production, trade and 
consumption increases.  As capitalist exploitation intensifies, the living 
conditions of the working people deteriorates as has been shown by the 
situation of homeless people, especially in the urban poor communities..

The increasing volume and pace of capitalist production and consumption means 
higher extraction of natural resources from the environment. This resulted in 
massive ecological degradation and pollution that not only caused economic 
displacement and poor health to the poor, but also spur the outbreaks of 
infectious diseases.

Epidemiologists alongside animal scientists have noted that “60% of emerging 
infectious diseases that affect humans are zoonotic—they originate in animals. 
And more than two-thirds of those originate in wildlife.” [iv] Chinese 
authorities point out that COVID-19 itself likely originated from live animal 

On the other hand, society continues to develop and harnesses science and 
understand nature. History has shown that the rapid development of medical 
science and technology resulted in the decreasing number of infections and 
deaths from epidemics and pandemics.

Despite the medical advances, these remain inaccessible to the working class 
and other oppressed and exploited especially in neocolonial countries in Asia, 
Africa, and Latin America. Anti-vaccine remains expensive and usually out of 
reach of poor patients like those infected with human immunodeficiency virus 
(HIV). Medicines and technology are being controlled by big pharmaceutical 
companies and being sold at the highest price possible.

In the advent of pandemics, governments in advanced capitalist and neo-colonial 
countries are wanting to employ draconian measures to control people’s freedom 
of movement to control the spread of diseases. It employs the state forces to 
sow fear and repress the people in order to follow the so-called health 
measures or action of the government.

While physical containment such as lockdowns and quarantine are in some cases 
necessary to combat the spread of viral outbreaks, the primary anchor of 
approach and solution is the provision of affordable if not free, adequate, and 
effective medical interventions to the population. In the context of autocratic 
regimes in certain countries, this so-called physical containment is weaponized 
to suppress the people’s criticism, dissent, and resistance.

These regimes have even rejected proposed guidelines and protocols developed 
through time such as the World Health Organization’s on Quarantine. Creative 
ways to balance economic considerations and health measures are critical in as 
quarantines are applied to bigger communities. Tapping people’s democratic 
participation, with stringent health guidelines could help address the limits 
of current healthcare resources. Re-channeling huge military budget to 
improving health services and reinvigorating destroyed ecosystems will be good 
measures to manage if not prevent epidemics in the immediate and longer term.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, people of different nations should help and 
extend solidarity to each other and collectively demand for a swift, 
healthcare-centered, community-based, and scientific approach to the problem 
from national governments and international institutions. Simultaneously expose 
the root causes of the poor health care systems and services, especially in 
poor countries; demand accountability from governments which are negligent of 
their duties to protect the people’s health and safety; and campaign against 
big corporations which make profiteering from the health crisis.

[i] http://www.socialscienceinaction.org/

[ii] https://www.bbc.com/news/business-51706225

[iii] https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/03/a-visual-history-of-pandemics/


[v] 'Tip of the iceberg': is our destruction of nature responsible for Covid-19?

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