Indonesian Christians appeal for unity to fight extremism 
Week of Prayer of Christian Unity concludes with rallying cry to put aside 
interdenominational rivalries 
Pastors of various Christian denominations attend an ecumenical service at 
Christ the King Church in Semarang, Central Java, during the Week of Prayer of 
Christian Unity. (Photo by Elwin D Djanto)

Bernard D Elwin, Semarang 
Indonesia January 25, 2017 
Catholics and Protestants need to unite if Christians are to resist a rise in 
intolerance and radicalism in Indonesia, church leaders have said.

Growing incidents of hate speech and opposition to the building of places of 
worship by Muslim hardliners as well as the blasphemy case against Jakarta's 
Christian governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama have alarmed minority groups, 
including Christians.

Many believe the governor, popularly known as Ahok, is being targeted by 
hardliners because they don't want a Christian running the Muslim majority 
nation's capital.

To fight intolerance Catholics and Protestants must heal wounds caused by the 
split in Christianity hundreds of years ago, which is still affecting Christian 
ties worldwide, including Indonesia, according to Reverend Markus Priyono of 
the Bethel Tabernacle. 

"Reconciliation is needed to heal these wounds," he told more than 700 
Christians at a gathering organized by Semarang Catholic Archdiocese and the 
Union of Christian Churches to mark the Week of Prayer of Christian Unity, 
which ended on Jan. 25.

The Protestant pastor encouraged Christians to build mutual trust and respect 
for each other's uniqueness.

Echoing his views, Father Aloysius Budi Purnomo, head of Semarang Archdiocese's 
Interfaith Commission, said reconciliation among Christians is necessary before 
reaching out to people of other religions, as it will make a bigger impact.

"The ultimate goal is to strengthen ties [with Muslims]," he said.

Reverend Sediyoko of the Java Christian Church played down fears of Muslim 

He said if Christians unite they will be able to see that radicalism is not a 
threat to Christianity, but is God's instrument to strengthen bonds among 

"Radicalism can be a medium of introspection for Christians," he said which we 
should counter not with violence but with love.

Christians comprise 6.3 percent or about 23 million of Indonesia's population 
of 238 million, according to a 2010 census, of which Protestants number 16.5 
million and Catholics 6.9 million.

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