res :  Bagi yang berdiam di luar Jakarta dan ingin memperoleh lima juta rupiah 
setiap tahun silahkan segera pindah ke Jakarta, rejeki nomplok, jika memilih 
Agus Yudhoyono menjadi gubernur Jakarta. Setelah Agus menjadi gubernur Jakarta 
akan mencalonkan dirinya menjadi presiden NKRI, pasti bukan  lagi Rp 5.000.000 
diberikannya kepada orang miskin, tetapi bisa mencapai Rp 100.000.000,- tiap 
tahun. Apakah tidak hebat? hehehehehehe Berkemaslah untuk segera pindah ke 
Jakarta ibukota neo-Mojopahit.


Jakarta's Poor to Get Rp 5 Million Each Year, Agus Yudhoyono Promises 
Jakarta. Jakarta governor and vice-governor nominees Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono 
and Sylviana Murni visited Kepulauan Seribu — an archipelago off the north 
coast of Jakarta — on Wednesday (23/11) as part of their campaign. 

In a speech at Kelapa (Coconut) Island, Agus said poor families in Jakarta will 
be given an extra financial aid of Rp 5 million ($369) each year if they are 

Hundreds of people had waited since early morning for Agus, who said he was 
proud and happy to meet the locals at Kelapa Island. 

"I heard people here need better health facilities, jobs and ships. Sylvi and I 
will try to address these issues and reduce poverty in the islands," Agus said 
to loud applause. 

Agus said they were especially concerned by income inequality among local 
residents. "All children should be able to go to school but I've received a lot 
of complaints that some people simply don't have the money. We will provide a 
solution for this," Agus said. 

Agus also said he plans to offer some of the city's poverty reduction budget as 
grants for small and medium enterprises. Selected units can receive up to Rp 50 
million in grants. 

"This is not 'money politics.' This is venture capital. We want to improve your 
quality of life," Agus said. "We want to help the poor people as mandated by 
our constitution." 

Agus and Sylvi have been promising a series of financial aids for various 
communities during their election campaign, a move some have said is against 
the law and not an effective way to reduce poverty or wealth gap in the capital.

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