“Rise up” 

North Korean defector predicts that the elite will turn against leader Kim Jong 
By David Gilbert on Jan 25, 2017 
One of the most high-profile defectors from North Korea has spoken to foreign 
media for the first time, revealing that Pyongyang’s elite are turning against 
leader Kim Jong Un. Thae Yong Ho also predicted that reunification with South 
Korea could happen within five years, and warned U.S. President Donald Trump 
about the dangers of making a deal with the current regime over nuclear weapons.

Last August, Thae disappeared from North Korea’s embassy in London where he was 
serving as deputy ambassador, and promptly defected to South Korea. Thought to 
be the highest-ranking official ever to defect from the secretive country, Thae 
has given a series of interviews in recent days where he talks about sanctions, 
reunification, and the future of the country.

Here’s what we’ve learned about the secretive kingdom:

  a.. Thae, speaking to Reuters, said that there is a growing sense of 
“low-level dissent or criticism of the regime” which, until recently, was 
unthinkable but is now becoming louder. Thae was unequivocal in his view that 
for North Korea to prosper, everything needs to change. “We have to spray 
gasoline on North Korea, and let the North Korean people set fire to it.”
  a.. Thae ascribed the dissatisfaction among the country’s elite to what he 
called Kim’s “reign of terror,” which saw many of Thae’s colleagues purged as 
the dictator attempts to maintain absolute control. “The North Korean society 
is more than 70 years old, and if a society can only be maintained not by 
ideology or law but by the reign of terror, then the people do not trust the 
society,” Thae said.
  a.. In an interview with South Korean TV station Arirang, broadcast Tuesday, 
Thae said he believed that the lack of any natural successor to Kim means that 
when his reign ends — however that may come about — the country will fall and 
the process of reunification will begin. He told Arirang he believed this would 
happen within five years.
  a.. Asked about the possibility that Kim Jong Un’s brother – Kim Jong Chol – 
could take control, Thae told Reuters it was very unlikely. “Kim Jong Chol has 
no interest in politics. He is only interested in music. He’s only interested 
in Eric Clapton. If he was a normal man, I’m sure he’d be a very good 
professional guitarist.”
  a.. Thae told the BBC that while he, his wife, and their children are living 
safely in South Korea, he suspects that the family he left behind in North 
Korea will have been punished for his defection. “I am sure that my relatives 
and my brother’s and sister’s families by now are all sent to remote closed 
areas or prison camps. It really breaks my heart.”
  a.. Thae said the heartbreak of thinking about his family makes him 
“determined to do everything possible to pull down the North Korean regime.” He 
called on the international community to help bring about a reunification: 
“Korean reunification is not only a matter for Korean people but this is a 
matter for common prosperity for the whole of North East Asia,” he said. 
“Please join us together to reunify the country as soon as possible.” 
  b.. North Korea is subject to U.N. sanctions over its nuclear and missile 
programs, and Thae has warned Trump and other world leaders about easing these 
sanctions in order to do any possible deals with Kim. Such a move would only 
serve to bolster North Korea’s insistence that it is a legitimate nuclear 
state, Thae said. “It seems very fine, his offer – and even some American 
experts agreed on this kind of approach – but if the American and South Korean 
government accept this kind of compromise deal, then it only serves to justify 
so far the stance of North Korean regime.”
  a.. Speaking about North Korea’s relationship with China, Thae said that 
should China really want to get serious about sanctions, it would result in the 
collapse of the country — a view held by many analysts. China is North Korea’s 
most important economic and diplomatic backer, but Thae says Beijing needs to 
understand the level of threat posed by Pyongyang. “I think we have to tell and 
persuade Chinese that North Korea’s nuclear weapons can one day even threaten 
the Chinese interests.”

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