Pacific <> West Papua

27 Nov 2017
Papuans gather in Vanuatu for Liberation Movement summit

4:53 pm on 27 November 2017

Members of the United Liberation Movement for West Papua are converging on
Vanuatu's capital for their first major summit since the body's inception.

The Movement is to use the Port Vila summit to evaluate its first three
years, establish by-laws, elect executive members and discuss future

[image: West Papua's Morning Star flag flown in Port Vila, Vanuatu]

West Papua's Morning Star flag flown in Port Vila, Vanuatu Photo: RNZI Len

Its secretary-general Octo Mote said the major Papuan representative groups
which make up the Movement would be present.

"This time everybody is here, not like last time when many of them were
stuck in Papua New Guinea. No, everybody is here. In terms of persons that
are participating, this is very successful, from the representation."

Octo Mote said he hoped to be re-elected.

Vanuatu's prime minister Charlot Salwai, in a speech welcoming the Papuans,
urged the Liberation Movement to maintain unity and continue with the
direction of its current leadership.

About 50 Papuans are expected at this week's summit.

This includes representatives of the Movement's major member groups: the
administration for the Federal Republic of West Papua (NRFPB); the West
Papua National Coalition for Liberation (WPNCL) and the National Parliament
of West Papua.

Since its formal inception in Vanuatu on 7th December 2014, the Liberation
Movement has lobbied widely for international recognition of their people's
plight in Indonesia.

As well as joining the Melanesian Spearhead Group, it has forged a growing
international solidarity network which is pushing for Papuan independence.

Indonesia's government is opposed to the group, and frequently challenges
its claim to represent Papuan people.

However the Movement has gained the support of numerous countries in the
Pacific and elsewhere for issues of Papuan self-determination and human
rights to be taken up at the UN level.

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