Police arrest 12 drug suspects in Banda Aceh
Minggu, 22 Januari 2017 05:19 WIB | 729 Views
Banda Aceh (ANTARA News) - The Banda Aceh city police in Aceh Province have 
arrested 12 traffickers of crystal meth and hashish since early this month.

"Since early January, 12 drug suspects have been arrested. All of them are 
traffickers," chief of the drug section of the Banda Aceh city police 
Commissioner Syafran stated on behalf of chief of the city police Senior 
Commissioner T. Saladin on Saturday (Jan. 21).

All the drug traffickers were arrested from different locations in Banda Aceh 
after the police received tip-offs from the public, he remarked.

He said the police had seized more than 40 grams of crystal meth, 6.14 grams of 
hashish, and Rp350 thousand in cash from the suspected drug traffickers.

Two of the 12 drug suspects are women who were arrested in the Lambaro area, he 

(Reported by M Haris SA/Uu.INE/KR-BSR/H-YH)

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