Senin , 30 Januari 2017, 19:43 WIB

Some well organized communities are trying to demonize Habib Rizieq: GNPF MUI
Rep: Eko Supriyadi/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda

Republika/Fuji EP
On Sunday (January 29), cyber patrols of Jakarta Metro Police discovered the 
spreading of pornographic content in the social media that attack Habib Rizieq.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Member of advocacy team of the National Movement to 
Safeguard the Indonesian Council of Ulama's Fatwa (GNPF MUI), M Kapitra Ampera, 
said the pornographic video that alleged as Habib M Rizieq Shihab was an 
extraordinary libel. He called it as a character assassination attempt against 
Habib Rizieq. "GNPF confirmed that this is a vile engineering to discredit, 
decay and character assassination of Habib Rizieq," he said when contacted by on Monday.

Kapitra said the perpetrator who made the video is trying to build opinion in a 
crazy way. "How could Habib Rizieq, as was uploaded in the video on Youtube, 
did a monologue with a person whom he called Ema?" he asked retoric. 

Also read: Cyber patrols investigate spreader of porn content that attacking 
Habib Rizieq

The video was viral at Youtube. Kapitra asked if it was really Habib RIzieq 
then why did not (the perpetrator) record the voice of Habib Rizieq and made it 
viral. Therefore, people could hear it.  

Kapitra said the video containing text message chat did not make sense. He said 
if the habib has the intention of immoral practice, why did not he use video 
call. "There are communities who were very well organized, systematic, and 
massive to demonize Habib Rizieq," he reiterated.

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