Apakah Muhammadiyah sealiran dengan FPI?


Senin , 30 Januari 2017, 21:30 WIB

There are efforts to find faults of Habib Rizieq: Muhammadiyah
Rep: Eko Supriadi, Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda

Republika / Darmawan
Yunahar Ilyas

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Chairman of Muhammadiyah, Yunahar Ilyas, said 
there were efforts which seemed to look for the faults of Habib M Rizieq 
Shihab. After Habib Rizieq dealt with the West Java Police and the National 
Police then a slander on the affair of the head of Islamic Defenders Front 
(FPI) and a woman named Firza Hussein appeared

"It seemed that his fault could be sought. About the Pancasila, the highest 
level of his fault was only on ethical issues, about the language. The 
substance was the truth," said Yunahar toRepublika.co.id on Monday.

Yunahar insisted that the case was not included into a crime, but unethical and 
irreverent. It should not be criminalized, because Habib Rizieq does not 
humiliate the country basis. He said it was related to his language style.

Yunahar deplored the police if the purpose of the processing of Habib Rizieq's 
case was for revenge as Habib Rizieq has mobilized the masses to pressure the 
police in making Ahok as a suspect. "This is not a part of law enforcement. The 
law should, indeed, be enforced honestly, fairly and indiscriminately," he 

According to Yunahar, Indonesia is a country of law. The country adopt equality 
before the law principle, so there should not be any discrimination and 
manipulation. He said if there were law enforcers who worked not based on law, 
they've been involved in politics. "Later, people won't believe in the law," 
said Ilyas.

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