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*AUGUST 29, 2019*

Indonesian President Joko Widodo on the campaign trail in a file photo:
Photo: Facebook
*Widodo strikes back at creeping Islamization*

Indonesian leader is moving to purge radical thinking in the bureaucracy,
schools and armed forces in defense of secularism

AUGUST 29, 2019

Ever since the bloody purge of the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) in the
mid-1960’s, the military has warned of the danger of a communist revival to
retain legitimacy and reclaim some of its previous overarching role over
internal security.

But two retired four-star generals have recently expressed concern about
Islamic radicalism in the ranks of the 476,000-strong force – and across
wider society – with one saying he is more worried about the spread of
Islamic fundamentalist caliphate doctrine than a communist resurgence.

Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu, 69, a former army chief of staff, and
Agum Gumelar, 73, an ex-special forces chief and member of President Joko
Widodo’s advisory council, spent most of their army careers under the
Suharto regime before pursuing political careers.

“The biggest threat today is the attempt to replace the unitary state of
Indonesia with a caliphate,” Gumelar told a university audience earlier
this month. “This must be our joint concern, including those in the
education world.”

With the elections over and the conservative Muslim lobby seemingly on the
back foot, Widodo is finally addressing the issue of creeping Islamization
and the way radical thinking has penetrated the bureaucracy, schools,
universities and, perhaps most crucially, the armed forces.

[image: Indonesian President Joko Widodo prays during Nuzulul Quran event
at Presidential Merdeka Palace in Jakarta, Indonesia on June 5, 2018.
Photo: NurPhoto via AFP Forum]Indonesian President Joko Widodo prays at the
Presidential Merdeka Palace in Jakarta, June 5, 2018. Photo: NurPhoto via
AFP Forum

Technology and Higher Education Minister Mohamad Nasir has already
introduced a program in which university rectors and lecturers are
compelled to impress on their students the importance of nationhood and
national defense.

At the recent five-yearly congress of the ruling Indonesian Democratic
Party for Struggle (PDI-P), party leader and former president Megawati
Sukarnoputri issued a call to arms to protect Indonesia’s inclusive secular
state ideology, known as Pancasila.

The leaders of the two largest Muslim organizations, Nahdlatul Ulama (NU)
and Muhammadiyah, have also joined the chorus of concern about the threat
to secularism, but they too have problems from hardliners in their midst.

While Indonesian governments have reacted strongly to Islamic terrorism and
other challenges to the state, they have been slow to recognize the
insidious way organizations like the non-violent Hizbut Tahrir have more
softly prepared the ground for extremists.

Boasting a million-strong following in West Java alone, Hizbut Tahrir was
banned last year for promoting the establishment of a caliphate. Widodo is
now pondering whether to outlaw the radical and sometimes violent Islamic
Defenders Front (FPI), whose leader lives in exile in Saudi Arabia.

Serving officers are discouraged from making political statements in
Indonesia’s democratic context. But Ryacudu and Gumelar appear to be
spearheading military thinking on an issue civil society activists are
convinced has been allowed to slide out of control.

[image: Members of Islamic Defenders Front (PFI) shout slogan during a an
anti-communism campaign in Jakarta, Indonesia, on June 03, 2016. Photo:
NurPhoto via Reuters/ Agoes Rudianto]Islamic Defenders Front (PFI) members
shout slogans during a an anti-communism campaign in Jakarta, June 03,
2016. Photo: NurPhoto/ Agoes Rudianto

A former vice-presidential candidate, Gumelar believes there is little
chance of the PKI regaining power because of a law passed in 1966 by the
People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR), the country’s highest legislative
body, which outlawed communism.

Radical Islam, Gumelar pointed out, was under no such constraints, with
caliphate teachings becoming “structured and systematic” and penetrating
all levels of society. “It is imperative that we support the state and
guide the people on how to defend and protect Pancasila,” he said.

As puzzling as it is to outsiders, the specter of the communist bogeyman
continues to haunt a country still reluctant to discuss the bloody 1965-6
purge which killed an estimated 500,000 people accused, often wrongly, of
belonging to the world’s then-largest non-ruling communist party.

Whenever political activists seek to redress the excesses of that Cold War
period, the military and conservative Muslim diehards have been quick to
stoke the lingering phobia felt across many parts of rural Indonesia.

Earlier this year, the military threw its support behind another nationwide
campaign by the Attorney General’s Office and the police to confiscate
books and academic papers dealing with communism and the crushing of the

Even Widodo, a native of Central Java, has had to fend off unproven
allegations from political rivals that he is a closet communist whose
parents were PKI supporters during an era when the poor were attracted to
the utopian idea of a classless society.

[image: A government worker removes ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria)
flags painted on to walls near Veteran Street in Surakarta City, Indonesia,
in an attempt to discourage the promotion of the jihadist group in the
region. Photo: AFP Forum/Agoes Rudianto]A government worker removes ISIS
flags painted on walls near Veteran Street in Surakarta City, Indonesia.
Photo: AFP Forum/Agoes Rudianto

In many ways, the anti-communist campaign, despite the lack of any
compelling evidence an underground revival movement is afoot, has diverted
official attention and provided certain cover for fundamentalists to
advance their Islamist and anti-secular agendas.

Ryacudu says there will be no tolerance for soldiers who showed signs of
Islamic radicalism. “Background checks on new recruits should be
tightened,” he said. “They must be investigated, particularly those who do
not follow Pancasila. To think in the Pancasila way is the way of the

The minister revealed that a number of students have already been dismissed
from the Defense University for expressing radical thoughts. He said the
same standard should be applied to military academy cadets before they
begin their careers in the services.

Pointing to a recent Defense Ministry survey that showed 3% of the
Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI) supported the creation of an Islamic state,
Ryacudu blamed a lack of leadership and supervision for a decline in the
understanding of Pancasila. “This cannot be ignored,” he said.

The same study also found that 19% of civil servants, 18% of employees of
private companies, 9% of state enterprise workers and 23% of high school
and university students don’t agree that Pancasila should be the country’s
guiding philosophy.

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