Hello Hossein,
Thank you very much for your help! I just tried to set the prefetcher in my
configuration script as you said, and it worked!
Again, I really appreciate the help.
-- Original --
From: "gem5-users";
I am trying to enable the prefetcher of the cache in SE mode (not Ruby).
After I modified the prefetcher configurations in src/mem/cache/cache.py
to prefetcher = Param.BasePrefetcher(TaggedPrefetcher(),"Prefetcher
attached to cache") and compiled it, it gave the error NameError: name
I would like to implement a functionality in the classic cache model (not Ruby)
to allow specific cache lines (e.g. set 0 way 0) to be evicted when the cache
total access reaches a threshold value. Is this possible to achieve on gem5?
Can someone give me some suggestions?
Hi Pouya,
Thanks for your reply. I just tried what you said and it did solve my problem.
Also, I checked the "--help", it does mentioned about "-r" and "-e", I am
really sorry I asked a pointless question.
Again, I really apprciate your help.
Kind Regards,
Shawn Liu.
I am a beginner of gem5. I am currently trying to learn how to debug in
I read the introduction about debugging
(https://www.gem5.org/documentation/learning_gem5/part2/debugging/) and
tried 'build/X86/gem5.opt --debug-flags=DRAM
configs/learning_gem5/part1/simple.py | head