[gem5-users] Running full system with SMT

2019-11-07 Thread Eleanor
Hi, I've been trying to simulate Parsec benchmarks in smt (multiple threads in each core). Referencing this: https://www.mail-archive.com/search?l=gem5-users@gem5.org&q=subject:%22%5C%5Bgem5%5C-users%5C%5D+Running+full+system+with+SMT%22&o=newest , in the file src/cpu/BaseCpu.py, I modified the li

Re: [gem5-users] Running full system with SMT

2016-09-08 Thread Jason Lowe-Power
Hi Ferran, First, for SMT support, I believe it is implemented in the O3 CPU, and you should be able to enable it by updating your CPU configuration (numThreads, see src/cpu/BaseCPU.py). However, as far as I know, SMT is not tested in our regression tests, so it's possible (likely) that there are

[gem5-users] Running full system with SMT

2016-09-06 Thread Ferran Olid
Hi everyone, I am quite new at gem5 (I've barely run some simulations) and I have to implement a full system which requires some parametrization of the CPU, caches and so on. I will sum up very shortly what I intend to do: - CPU: I want to simulate a superscalar processor (I am alread