Excerpts from Lars Eggert on Fri, Nov 28, 2008 03:08:13PM +0200:
> On 2008-11-24, at 18:40, ext Scott Brim wrote:
>>  - Is it intended that the ENABLED flag applies to both sending and
>>    receiving the UTO?  It seems to be, but I want to be sure.  If
>>    that is the intention, could you make it clearer?
>>    It certainly applies to a received UTO:
>>      "This adaptation only happens if the other end of the connection
>>      has explicitly allowed it (both ENABLED and CHANGEABLE are
>>      true)."
>>    but it seems to apply to sending a UTO as well:
>>      "Before opening a connection, an application that wishes to use
>>      the UTO option enables its use by setting ENABLED to true."
> Correct, it applies for both sending and receiving. Can we make this  
> clearer in the text somehow?

Perhaps, in the beginning of Operation (3), you simply change

   ENABLED (Boolean)
      Flag that controls whether the UTO option is enabled for a
      connection.  Defaults to false.


   ENABLED (Boolean)
      Flag that controls whether the UTO option is enabled for a
      connection.  This flag applies to both sending and receiving.
      Defaults to false.

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