Indeed.  In particular Capability 3 - MS to working will be useful for
anyone who wants to support non-revertive.


On 3/4/14 12:54 PM, "Eric Gray" <> wrote:

>Unfortunately, I agree with Adrian in terms of why we would not claim
>that any other combination of bits is "invalid" generally, so I do not
>that the change suggested by Elwyn is a good idea.
>I also agree that the reasoning that the bit-combination match criteria
>makes it clear how any implementation of this specification would handle
>anything other than all-clear or all-set.  The implementation will not
>try to
>perform OAM between two implementations that do not have a matching
>bit-set that is either one or the other.
>I am not sure where we indicate that any other set of bits is an error,
>so I
>do not really understand that part of Adrian's reply.
>At this point, I do not see any clear need for changes to the draft based
>this particular comment-set.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Huub Van Helvoort []
>Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2014 2:58 PM
>To: Elwyn Davies
>Cc: General Area Review Team;
>Subject: RE: Gen-art LC review of draft-ietf-mpls-tp-psc-itu-02.txt
>Hello Elwyn,
>Thanks for your reply.
>See my responses in-line [Huub3].
>On Wed, 2014-02-26 at 16:39 +0000, Huub Van Helvoort wrote:
>> Hello Elwyn,
>> Please find my response in-line [Huub2]
>> To avoid any confusion I have snipped the parts that do not need
>> further expanation.
>> > Minor issues:
>> > s1, next to last para:
>> >
>> > >    This document describes the behavior of the PSC protocol
>> > including
>> > >    the priority logic and the state machine when all the
>> > capabilities
>> > >    associated with the APS mode are enabled.  The PSC protocol
>> > behavior
>> > >    for the PSC mode is as defined in RFC 6378.
>> >
>> > APS mode involves five capabilities which can, apparently, be
>> > implemented and advertised indpendently, so presumably there might be
>> > reasons for either implementing or turning on just a subset.
>> >
>> > [Huub] There were originally separate drafts for each of the
>> > capabilities.
>> > However, it was very complex to define the effect on the state
>> > transition tables for each capability or combination of capabilities.
>> >
>> > [Huub] to resolve this issue it was decided that for any permitation
>> > of the possible combinations of capabilities a separate draft should
>> > be
>> > developed. RFC6378 is the one where none of the capabilities is
>> > used, and this draft is the one where all capabiliies are used. So far
>> > none of the other possible drafts is written.
>> >
>> > [Huub] This draft provides the behavior similar to APS used in ITU-T
>> > for other technologies.
>> >
>> > Are there
>> > any implications for the PSC protocol if only some subset of the the
>> > capabilities are available in a given node?  (This may be a dumb
>> > question and I haven't tried to work out what might go wrong if you
>> > did have any of the available subsets.)
>> >
>> > [Huub] both nodes MUST support the same subset, if they don't the
>> > result will be unpredictable because the state machines are different.
>> >
>> > s9.1.1/s9.2: Following on from the previous point, s9.1.1 implies that
>> > the system can operate happily with some subset of the five
>> > capabilities
>> > turned on provided that both ends concur.  However there is no mode
>> > name that would cover such a subset.
>> >
>> > [Huub] as indicated above, the mode name does not exist because the
>> > draft that describes that mode does not (yet) exist.
>> >
>> > Does this actually mean that turning on
>> > a subset doesn't really work?
>> >
>> > [Huub] indeed, not until there is a draft that describes it.
>> >
>> > And if it doesn't work why bother with
>> > five flag bits?
>> >
>> > [Huub] to give others the opportunity to write the missing draft(s),
>> > this was the agreed by the WG chairs.
>> >
>> > Also the phraseology used here could lead to future
>> > problems if more capabilities are defined:  suppose some future new
>> > mode
>> > (FOO) adds <n> more capabilities but the two 'modes' can be turned on
>> > independently - as currently expressed you would have to define three
>> > mode names for APS only, FOO only and APS + FOO.. and so on with more
>> > capability sets.  Unintended consequence? Oh, and what if a capability
>> > is used in more than one mode?
>> >
>> > [Huub] it is up to the authors of additional drafts to come up with a
>> > name for the mode described in their draft.
>> To be absolutely honest, my initial reaction to the above (i.e., right
>> back to the beginning of Minor Issues) went something like
>> "******** ARRRGGGGHHH! Choke!! Splutter!!!".
>> Be that as it may, if that is what is agreed then please could there be
>> some explanation in the document. Please!
>> [Huub2] the probability that there may be several "solutions" is IMHO
>> very small.
>> Personally I do not expect any other solution because RFC6378 is
>> what IETF wants, and this draft is what ITU-T wants and will
>> document in recommendation G.8131.
>> Any other "solution" would be non-standard.
>> Adding an explanation to this draft will give the impression that
>> other solutions will be acceptable. Something neither IETF nor
>> ITU-t would admit to.
>Politics! OK - How about we add to either s9.1.1 or s9.2 something like:
>   Only combinations of capabilities specified by a mode are allowed.
>   Capability TLVs with other combinations will be treated as invalid
>   PSC messages.
>[Huub3] that works for me. Eric, Jeong-dong can you address this?
>> > s13: The addition of the Capabilities TLV and the requirement that it
>> > is
>> > carried accurately and repeatedly in every PSC message introduces a
>> > new
>> > aspect to the DoS/random corruption problem mentioned in s6 of RFC
>> > 6378.
>> > A single bit corruption in a PSC message will lead to disablement of
>> > protection switching and requirement of operator intervention.  I am
>> > not
>> > sure if this is a serious issue, but it probably merits a comment in
>> > s13
>> > and verification that it does match with the words in RFC 6378 as
>> > regards 'converging on a stable state'.
>> >
>> > [Huub] a bit error will occur in one message, RFC6378 s4.1 addresses
>> > that issue.
>> I don't think this covers the problem:
>> The last para of s6 of RFC 6378 says:
>> >    However, a new concern for this document is the accidental
>> >    of messages (through faulty implementations or random corruption).
>> >    The main concern is around the Request, FPath, and Path fields as a
>> >    change to these fields would change the behavior of the peer end
>> >    point.  Although this document does not define a way to avoid a
>> >    change in network behavior upon receipt of a message indicating a
>> >    change in protection status, the transition between states will
>> >    converge on a known and stable behavior in the face of messages
>> >    do not match reality.
>> This appears to imply that random bit errors can percolate up to the
>> protocol engine.  If the bit error affects the capability flag bits in
>> Capability TLV then the behaviour specified in s9.1.1 would come into
>> >    When a node receives a Capabilities TLV it MUST compare it to its
>> >    most recent transmitted Capabilities TLV.  If the two are equal,
>> >    protected domain is said to be running in the mode indicated by
>> >    set of capabilities (see Section 9.2).  If the sent and received
>> >    Capabilities TLVs are not equal, this indicates a capabilities
>> >    mismatch.  When this happens, the node MUST alert the operator and
>> >    MUST NOT perform any protection switching until the operator
>> >    the mismatch in the Capabilities TLV.
>> The result of such a corrupted bit would a.s. be a mismatch that should
>> be followed by a turn off of protection switching and operator alerting.
>> [Huub2]
>> A received PSC message with a bit error is a not valid PSC message.
>> If a received PSC message is unexpected (due to a bit error, or a
>> far end protocol engone) in a particular state it is considered a not
>> message and is ignored
>> The capability of a protected link is provisioned at initiation and
>> be changed during operation, so a PSC message with a capability bit
>> changed (e.g. due to a bit error)  is considered not valid PSC message
>> and is ignored.
>> I think this is covered by the last paragraph in s4.1 of RFC6378.
>> ====
>>     If no valid PSC message is received, over a period of several
>>     continual messages intervals, the last valid received message
>>     applicable.
>>  ===
>Sorry to harp on about this...
>[Huub3] no problem, clarity is key
>I think we are trying to distinguish
>between invalid messages and protocol errors.  If a PSC message with the
>wrong set of Capability bits set is (always?) considered not a valid PSC
>message then you need to change the wording of the piece of s9.1.1
>quoted above. 
>[Huub3] I agree, I will check with the other authors if they agree too.
>If they disagree I will inform you.
>The text in [Huub2} implies:
>   that there is a distinction between the first PSC message and
>   subsequent ones, in which case the comparison is against the
>   internally configured value of the capability bits, since nothing
>   has been sent or received yet, and that means that the
>   specified action only happens on the first PSC message - it
>   isn't clear to me that the specified action makes sense in that case.
>[Huub3] it is a bit different. When a new/changed PSC message
>is sent, it is sent three times very fast. A majority decision is taken
>to determine the correct value, so it is possible that the first is
>discarded because it is not the same as the second and third.
>The capability bits are always compared to the provisioned mode.
>   that *any* PSC message with the wrong set of capability bits set
>   (again tested against the internally configured value) is
>   flagged up as invalid and discarded *without any action being
>   taken*. In this case the text in s9.1.1 is never actioned.
>[Huub3] according to s9.1.1 the capability TLV MUST be added
>always to every PSC message sent. The capability bits are set to
>the provisioned mode. There is one exception: the original PSC as
>described in RFC6378, because that does not use capability TLV.
>For my peace of mind.. Can you confirm whether my interprestation of RFC
>6378 s6 is correct, i.e., bit errors in transmission are *not* detected
>by the layers below the PSC protocol and corrupted PSC messages will be
>passed to the PSC state machine.
>[Huub3] If the (lower) server layer is Ethernet, the Ethernet frame can
>use the FCS to detect bit errors and discard the Ethernet/MPLS frame.
>If FCS is not used bit errors are undetected.
>If the (lower) server layer is SDH/SONET/OTN the FEC (forward
>error correction) will correct bit errors that occur in the physical
>If FEC is not used bit errors are counted, if the error rate is excessive
>AIS will be inserted, in a packet (higher) client layer this will result
>discarding all frames.
>Cheers, Huub.

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