Author: henkp
Date: Wed Apr 11 06:18:31 2018
New Revision: 1828863

init add-banner.lua

    attic/site/docs/scripts/add-banner.lua   (with props)

Added: attic/site/docs/scripts/add-banner.lua
--- attic/site/docs/scripts/add-banner.lua (added)
+++ attic/site/docs/scripts/add-banner.lua Wed Apr 11 06:18:31 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+local posix = require 'posix'
+local TEMPL = [=[
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
+<title>Project !PROJ! is retired.</title>
+<meta HTTP-EQUIV="content-type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=utf-8">
+<style type="text/css">
+<!--/* <![CDATA[ */
+  { font-size : xx-large ;
+    padding : 15px ;
+    color : white ;
+    background-color : red ;
+  } a:link    { color : white ; } a:visited { color : white ; }
+span.urly { color : blue ; text-decoration : underline }
+/* ]]> */-->
+function initialize ()
+  { console.log ( 'initialize' ) ;
+    resize() ;
+    if ( window.self != )
+      { var win1 ="f2").contentWindow
+        var win2 = window.self.document.getElementById("f2").contentWindow
+        win1.location.href = win2.location.href
+        console.log ( 'window.self !=' )
+        console.log ( 'promote to : ' + win1.location.href )
+      }
+    else
+      { console.log ( 'window.self ==' ) ; }
+  }
+function resize ()
+  { console.log ( 'resize' ) ;
+    console.log ( 'innerHeight[%s]', window.innerHeight ) ;
+    var f1h = document.getElementById("f1").clientHeight ;
+    var w_w = window.innerWidth  ;
+    var w_h = window.innerHeight ;
+    var f_w = 0.99 * w_w ;
+    var f_h = w_h - f1h - 50 ;
+    document.getElementById("f2").width  = f_w ;
+    document.getElementById("f2").height = f_h ;
+    console.log ( 'f2.height[%s]', document.getElementById("f2").height ) ;
+  }
+function change_loc()
+  { console.log ( 'change_loc' ) ;
+    var top = document.getElementById("top") ;
+    var loc = document.getElementById("loc") ;
+    var f2  = document.getElementById('f2') ;
+    try { f2.contentWindow.location.href ; }
+    catch ( exception )
+      { console.log ( 'exception ' + exception ) ;
+        top.innerHTML = "Left <i>!HOST!</i> ..."
+        loc.innerHTML = '<p><span style="color:red">'
+          + '<b>[to leave frame]</b></span> '
+          + 'Use the <i><b>show only this frame</b></i> function '
+          + 'of your browser.'
+        return ;
+      }
+    var url = '<a href="!PROJ!.html";>'
+      + 'attic page</a>'
+    top.innerHTML = "Project <i>!PROJ!</i> is retired ; "
+      + "for details, see !PROJ!'s " + url + '.'
+    loc.innerHTML = '<p>location: '
+      + f2.contentWindow.location.pathname
+  }
+<body onload="initialize()" onresize="resize()">
+  <div id="f1">
+  <div id="top" class="top"></div>
+  <span id='loc'></span>
+  </div>
+  <iframe id="f2" onload="change_loc()" src="/try2/FRAME/!PATH!"></iframe>
+local PROG  = 'add-banner.lua' ;
+local ATTIC_DIR  = '/var/www/'
+local ATTIC_PRJS = ATTIC_DIR .. 'flagged/'
+function exists(f)   return posix.stat(f) ~= nil end
+function in_attic(p) return exists ( ATTIC_PRJS .. p ) end
+function handle(r)
+  local get = r:parseargs()
+  local err = nil
+  local PROJ
+  local PATH
+  local TEST = true
+  r.content_type = "text/html"
+  -- r:puts ( r.unparsed_uri .. "<br>\n" )
+  -- for k, v in pairs ( get ) do
+  --   r:puts( string.format("arg [%s] [%s]<br>\n", k, v) )
+  -- end
+  if get.PROJ then
+    if get.PROJ == '' then
+      err = "PROJ is empty"
+    else
+      PROJ = r.subprocess_env['REQUEST_URI']
+    end
+  else
+    -- |try2| == 1 + 3
+    local uri = r.unparsed_uri:sub(3+string.len(PROG))
+    local idx = uri:find('/')
+    if idx then
+      PROJ = uri:sub(1,idx-1) ; PATH = uri:sub(idx+1)
+    else
+      PROJ = uri ; PATH = ''
+    end
+  end
+  if err ~= nil then r:puts(err) return apache2.OK end
+  if not TEST and not get.test and not in_attic(PROJ) then
+    err = "project is not in attic [" .. PROJ .. "]"
+  end
+  if err ~= nil then
+    r:puts(err)
+  else
+    local text = TEMPL
+    local subs =
+      { ['!PROJ!'] = PROJ
+      , ['!HOST!'] = PROJ .. ''
+      , ['!PATH!'] = PATH
+      }
+    for k, v in pairs ( subs ) do text, _ = string.gsub ( text, k, v ) end
+    r:puts(text)
+  end
+  return apache2.OK

Propchange: attic/site/docs/scripts/add-banner.lua
    svn:executable = *

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