We are using MarkLogic 8.0-4.2 and we sometimes have a problem with "Invalid 
lexical value" which I will explain in more detail below.

We have stored documents in a database which fulfill a certain schema. In this 
schema there are defintions for attributes. In these definitions allowable 
values are given or the pattern which the value should meet.

Our application which uses these documents sometimes gives an error "Invalid 
lexical value" in very strange circumstances. This happens when we fetch 
certain elements within a document.

The error is: XDMP-LEXVAL: tei:rilmteidata.versionNumber("heading").

heading: is the value of the attribute 'type' which is present in the element 
we are fetching.
tei:rilmteidata.versionNumber: according to the schema used is a check on the 
versionNumber attribute which should have a format of digits separated by dots. 
But this check with tei:rilmteidata.versionNumber should not be applied here. 
This is related to a complete other attribute in another element in the 
document. So it looks like a schema check is combined with a value which make 
no sense.

This happens only for a very few documents within our database and only within 
a limited time frame.
During this time frame there are documents having the same schema which do not 
give any problems when fetchting the relevant elements. After some time all 
works fine for all documents. Hence we are now not able to reproduce this 
problem anymore. In the past months we have had this problem twice during a 
period of a couple of hours.

I do not have an idea what the problem can be.

Has anyone had similar problems? Does anyone have an idea what might be the 
case here?

Thanks and regards,

Johan de Boer

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