== Report of Meeting 2023-10-19 ==

Present: Art Anger, Ed Gottsman, Raul Miller, and Bob Therriault

Full transcripts of this meeting are now available on the its wiki page. 

1) Ed gave his response to some discussions on where the J wiki search should 
occur - server side or client-side. He feels that by having more crawling and 
indexing done by him, it removes the issues that can occur if the user does the 
crawling indexing on their computer, which would be hard for him to support. 
Bob asked if there were any thoughts about making the crawling and indexing 
supported by a wider group so that it is not so dependent on Ed. Ed felt that 
as the user base grows that may also enable more support of the platform, but 
it is not at that point yet. Ed feels that the crawling and indexing will 
always need someone to supervise it, but that it does not have to be him. Bob 
feels that designing this for a team approach would be a good idea. Ed felt 
that the crawling and indexing should run from a server. Bob pointed out that 
Eric had produced a page about running J on AWS. 

2) Ed was considering doing a final demo before a general release but decided 
to delay it until next week. Bob mentioned the British APL Association meetups 
https://britishaplassociation.org/webinar-schedule-2023/  and thought that the 
J wiki search would be a good topic for the open meeting. Ed showed his splash 
page for his youtube video the application and Raul suggested that it could be 
used as a splash page while the app initialized. Bob also thought it could be 
put on the wiki page as a thumbnail as an identifier.

3) Ed feels he will give up on getting WSL2 to run J on Ubuntu. He thinks that 
there are so many Linux configurations that he could not test them all before 
releasing the app. He will rely on user feedback to provide user support as 
needed. Bob mentioned that for J installation by beginners, he mentioned the 
general forum as a resource for beginner's questions rather than trying to 
foresee every possibility. 
4) Bob showed the changes that he had made to the J Playground links on the 
home page. https://code.jsoftware.com/wiki/Category:Home Rather than showing 
the full reference, he chose to show the Newcomers version 
https://code.jsoftware.com/wiki/Category:J_Playground_N.1 which is more of a 
user manual than the full reference. There would still be a link to the 
reference Playground page 
https://code.jsoftware.com/wiki/Category:J_Playground_P through the Reference 
section.https://code.jsoftware.com/wiki/Category:Reference_R  Raul thought it 
would be good if there was a way to have the J Playground become a live session 
if it was clicked on. Perhaps a button that would take the contents and run 
them live in the Playground from the wiki. The button would reduce load as it 
would only load the Playground when the user wanted, not on the loading of a 
page. This started a discussion on providing a more immediate J experience. Bob 
felt that this could work well in NuVoc for code examples. Raul felt that there 
would be a challenge to creators if the creation process were not made simple 
and that would be a major consideration for implementation. A longer discussion 
resulted on how this might experience might be for the user.  
5) Bob talked about the process that he had used to make some pages the target 
of a category page through redirection. Redirection conserves the structure of 
the category tree and this can be reversed by changing the redirected page if 
in the future there is more information that could be accommodated on one page. 
An example of this is the Books link on the Newcomers page 
https://code.jsoftware.com/wiki/Category:Newcomers_N that goes to a Books page 
https://code.jsoftware.com/wiki/Books/Beginners via the Books category. Raul 
suggested that this could be done with the Installation link as well 
https://code.jsoftware.com/wiki/Category:Installing_J_N.4 or include the 
Playground on the installation page as a part of the overview section and not 
require a beginner's installation page 
https://code.jsoftware.com/wiki/System/Installation. Flattening the tree gives 
the user a more direct path to the information.

  For access to previous meeting reports 

If you would like to participate in the development of the J wiki please 
contact us on the general forum and we will get you an invitation to the next J 
wiki meeting held on Thursdays at 23:00 (UTC) Next meeting is October 26, 2023.
For information about J forums see http://www.jsoftware.com/forums.htm

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