== Report of Meeting 2023-12-07 ==

Present:  Ed Gottsman, Raul Miller, and Bob Therriault

Full transcripts of this meeting are now available on the its wiki page. 

1) Ed reported that he can now get Skip Cave's answers to Quora in plain text. 
There is still work to integrate the text into the J Viewer. Ed asked if the 
time slider for forum posts was used by anyone. Dropping the time slider would 
free up real estate. Raul said he does not use it. Bob said that he does use to 
get a full range of forum posts, which is the opposite way of what Ed was 
expecting. Ed feels that there is ample opportunity to specify the search 
enough to get most of the hits you want within the 200 that are returned. Ed 
mentioned that you can also choose the sources that you are searching. Bob 
feels it is important to let people know that they are getting up to 200 of the 
possible matches, but that there may be further hits that they are not seeing 
until they further refine the search. There is also a dropdown that can narrow 
down the results to a particular forum. Ed will work on the documentation that 
may be needed by the user to take full advantage of the J Viewer. Ed thought he 
might try tooltips to guide the user.  

2) Ed is still exploring solutions for highlighting in night shift mode. Bob 
suggested just using the same colored background that might work in either 
mode. Green would be a neutral option. As another option, increasing the border 
style might make the action required more obvious. Ed has activated two finger 
scrolling on Raul's suggestion and it works better. Ed has included the old 
Vocabulary into the search with the proviso that NuVoc is the current 
documentation. Bob mentioned that he does often use the Vocabulary for 
information on Foreign Conjunctions. The search fields labels are now "In 
order" and "Any order" to make the search word options more evident.  

3) Ed is thinking about future enhancements to the Viewer that might include 
looking at code in which case Dissect 
https://code.jsoftware.com/wiki/Vocabulary/Dissect would be an interesting 
addition. If looking at nouns then Jig 
https://code.jsoftware.com/wiki/Addons/debug/jig might be an add-on to include. 
Ed asked about the limitations of showing large nouns. Bob said that the views 
of numbers extends into multiple thousands of elements. Character views may be 
a little more challenging because each character carries more svg code. Ed 
wondered about ways to show higher dimensions. Bob said he had patterned his 
view on the text view with extra blank lines between the dimension breaks. Ed 
was considering specifying planes and then moving through the planes in three 
dimensions. Then a discussion on visualizing higher dimensions followed. Ed's 
goal is to be able to be ready to present viewing options that would be easily 
available to users of the J Viewer. This may include searching of Locales and 
Global nouns to provide quick access to information.

4) Bob wondered if there would be a way to have JHS from AWS shown in the J 
Viewer, possibly using the space for currently used for navigation or display 
lists of forum posts. This would result in having JHS next to the wiki page to 
allow experimentation. Ed wondered if since we are in JQt that we might 
incorporate something like the terminal to allow access to J. (Editors Note: 
since J is already running in the console then JHS would be able to access the 
J engine and display within the J Viewer). This would allow cutting and pasting 
from the wiki page into the J IDE.    

5) Bob showed the progress that he had made on the Home 
https://code.jsoftware.com/wiki/Category:Home and Newcomers 
https://code.jsoftware.com/wiki/Category:Newcomers_N pages and the removal of 
the list of bottom links and instead display those links with a category tree 
display of the links to the side of the content. In the case of Newcomers 
Essays https://code.jsoftware.com/wiki/Category:Essays_and_Articles_N.7 this 
allows the body to be an annotated list with a sidebar of a category tree. This 
is even more useful in Reference 
https://code.jsoftware.com/wiki/Category:Reference_R where there is a lot of 
information. Ed asked if the subtree would be shown on the target page accessed 
from the category page. Bob said it would not because a page might be in a 
number of categories and you would need to know  which category you had arrived 
from. Bob felt extending the categorization might make this less of an issue. 
There are 200 element limits to the category tree display and this becomes an 
issue for pages like NuVoc. Bob will recategorize the large numbers of pages 
into sub categories. NuVoc's category page 
https://code.jsoftware.com/wiki/Category:NuVoc_R.1 would be Primitives 
https://code.jsoftware.com/wiki/Category:Primitives_R.1.1, Foreign Conjunctions 
https://code.jsoftware.com/wiki/Category:Foreign_Conjunctions_R.1.2, and 
Ancillary pages https://code.jsoftware.com/wiki/Category:Ancillary_Pages_R.1.3. 

6) Raul had some questions about developing a lab for an exploration of regex. 
This evolved into a discussion of Instructional Design which is included in the 
transcript if it is of interest.     

For access to previous meeting reports 
https://code.jsoftware.com/wiki/Wiki_Development   If you would like to 
participate in the development of the J wiki please contact us on the general 
forum and we will get you an invitation to the next J wiki meeting held on 
Thursdays at 23:00 (UTC) Next meeting is December 14, 2023.
For information about J forums see http://www.jsoftware.com/forums.htm

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