== Report of Meeting 2023-11-16 ==

Present: Art Anger, Ed Gottsman, Raul Miller, and Bob Therriault

Full transcripts of this meeting are now available on the its wiki page. 

1) Bob had received Ed's footage of his demo and there was a discussion about 
the audio that he had used. It was decided that Bob would use the existing 
audio and Ed would review and then there would be a decision on when to 
publish. Bob might also rerecord the audio if that was Ed's preference. 
2) Ed changed the category list on the J viewer back to a Qt list instead of 
his previous expandable version. The performance has improved. Raul noted that 
the new version requires that you scroll at the end of the list, whereas it 
used to autoscroll. Ed wants to be able to have SQLlite do line numbers in 
GitHub results because those results tend to be larger.   
3) Ed talked about attempting to include information of Skip Cave's Quora 
solutions. Quora seems to be resisting attempts to have Ed crawl the site. This 
is an ongoing investigation. Bob wondered if there might be a place in the J 
wiki for Skip to include some of his solutions. Bob is currently going through 
the essays on the wiki to select ones that might be most appropriate for 
Newcomers. Raul mentioned also that Journal of J could be included 
https://code.jsoftware.com/wiki/JournalOfJ. There are links on the wiki, but 
the content of the Journal of J is not on the wiki. Bob had some reluctance to 
dump their content onto the wiki and Ed said that he would need their 
permission before crawling their site.

4) Ed feels that the J Viewer is ready for prime time and will start by posting 
to the J forums after the demo video is published. Bob suggested that the fact 
that it is in JQt should be noted for those users who access through the 
console. Raul asked that updates for Windows be thoroughly tested before 
release to avoid  extra noise. Bob asked about announcing on the ArrayCast. 
Announcing on the British APL Association is another possibility and might be 
pursued for their next meeting.  

5) Bob tested the new J viewer and ran into a few problems due to the fact that 
he had made local changes to the addon in the process of troubleshooting.  

6) Bob did a quick review of the work that he had been doing on the Newcomers 
page of the wiki. https://code.jsoftware.com/wiki/Category:Newcomers_N 
Additions are the Return to Home navigation link and removal of the Scripts 
category as there were not many scripts that would work for Newcomers. Raul 
suggested using larger font on the titles and Bob agreed. Bob is also going to 
take Developers off of the Home page until it is further developed. 
https://code.jsoftware.com/wiki/Category:Home The information would still be 
available through Reference. Ed asked about including the Category's on the 
page that would be more involved but would be accessible for those who wanted 
the more detailed view.  

For access to previous meeting reports 

If you would like to participate in the development of the J wiki please 
contact us on the general forum and we will get you an invitation to the next J 
wiki meeting held on Thursdays at 23:00 (UTC) Next meeting is November 23, 2023.
For information about J forums see http://www.jsoftware.com/forums.htm

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