> Questions; Will Gump use JDK1.5 by default later?  Will it be possible
> to tell Gump which version of the JDK to use for the build?
> Things are getting increasingly complicated.
> Avalon doesn't build with 1.5 (not yet anyway).
> Avalon requires 1.3, and other projects 'promises' JDK 1.1, but Gump
> doesn't validate that (I guess).
> There are bytecode issues between compiler generations starting to
> come into the picture as well.
> Any thoughts about all of this?

I have one thought for all: Because of the complexity, we ought use the
power of Brutus to use a brute force solution (pun intended), i.e. a few
Gump instances ... one for each of the important JDK releases. I think one
flavour of 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 is reasonable (but we've seen we have to be
1.4.2.whatever for that one).

We could try to get complicated and teach Gump different compilers, but I
think we'd get in an ugly pickle. That said, just like folks preferring a
given release of a dependency, we could work up to growing to that.



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