Sorry for the delay here...

On Jul 11, 2005, at 4:46 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear Gumpmeisters,

The following 11 notifys should have been sent

*********************************************************** G U M P
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Project derby-split-2 (in module db-derby) failed
*********************************************************** G U M P
<snip lots of gumping>
*********************************************************** G U M P
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Project derby-split-2 (in module db-derby) failed
To whom it may engage...
Command Line: java -Djava.awt.headless=true -Xbootclasspath/p:/usr/ local/gump/public/workspace/xml-commons/java/external/build/xml- apis.jar:/usr/local/gump/public/workspace/xml-xerces2/java/build/ xercesImpl.jar -Dgump.merge=/x1/gump/ public/gump/work/merge.xml -Ddeprecation=false - Dbuild.sysclasspath=last -Dempty=/usr/local/gump/packages/java- runtime-1.3/rt.jar -Dbuild.compiler=jikes gump_split_2
[Working Directory: /usr/local/gump/public/workspace/db-derby]
CLASSPATH: /opt/jdk1.4/lib/tools.jar:/usr/local/gump/public/ workspace/ant/dist/lib/ant-jmf.jar:/usr/local/gump/public/workspace/ ant/dist/lib/ant-swing.jar:/usr/local/gump/public/workspace/ant/ dist/lib/ant-apache-resolver.jar:/usr/local/gump/public/workspace/ ant/dist/lib/ant-trax.jar:/usr/local/gump/public/workspace/ant/dist/ lib/ant-junit.jar:/usr/local/gump/public/workspace/ant/dist/lib/ant- launcher.jar:/usr/local/gump/public/workspace/ant/dist/lib/ant- nodeps.jar:/usr/local/gump/public/workspace/ant/dist/lib/ant.jar:/ usr/local/gump/public/workspace/jakarta-servletapi-5/jsr154/dist/ lib/servlet-api.jar:/usr/local/gump/public/workspace/jakarta-oro/ jakarta-oro-11072005.jar:/usr/local/gump/packages/javacc-3.1/bin/ lib/javacc.jar:/usr/local/gump/packages/java-runtime-1.3/rt.jar:/ usr/local/gump/packages/jce/jce-jdk13-116.jar:/usr/local/gump/ packages/jdbc2_0/jdbc2_0-stdext.jar:/usr/local/gump/packages/jta- spec1_0_1/jta-spec1_0_1.jar
[javac] 46. public class BrokeredConnection implements Connection
    [javac]                      ^----------------^
[javac] *** Semantic Error: The abstract method "void rollback (java.sql.Savepoint $1) throws java.sql.SQLException;", inherited from type "java.sql.Connection", is not implemented in the non- abstract class "org.apache.derby.iapi.jdbc.BrokeredConnection".

This, and the other failures in derby-split-2, would appear to be the result of JDK 1.4 interfaces being on the classpath before the JDK 1.3 interfaces against which these specific classes are expected to be compiled.

However, the classpath reported by Gump doesn't appear to have any JDK 1.4 classes on it, besides tools.jar. Also, I had a script which emulates the Derby build in Gump by building with just one JDK on the classpath for each split, and this script still compiles Derby successfully. Is it possible that a change to Gump (or Ant) was made that is causing JDK 1.4 (or higher) classes to appear on the compilation classpath before the JDK 1.3 classes which are needed for this compile?

I realize there's a lot of change to Gump going on right now, but I thought I should at least let you know that this specific failure hadn't gone completely unnoticed. Please let me know if there's anything I can do to help resolve this problem.


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