> I have heard some horror stories about getting those Gump building
> boxes working, and we are somewhat in over our heads, as I don't think
> anyone with Python experience is interested in helping out...

Those were the bad old days & are part of what inspired me to tinker w/
Python Gump. ;-) It takes me about 10 minutes to set up a new Gump for my
local usage.

If one wanted to build the thing from scratch (from OS up) here is some good


Heck, folks w/ a better link than me & my modem could do this on their own
PC, it really doesn't need a server. For work I created an instance, copied
the minimal workspace in, added my work projects, and (over about 20 minutes
w/ gump/preview.py) trimmed a decent workset. That gump takes 20 minutes to
run, start to finish (including all the Ant/Jakarta stuff I depend upon).

If anybody is interested in trying, I'm game to work with them, so long as
contsructive feedback is gathered/reported.

Alternatively ... I think the "test" workspace on brutus could be used for
'targeted' runs, such as avalon* or whatever. I.e. a workspace that is
complete, but is available for focused on-demand testing. I don't know how
to allow folks to request a run w/o an account on the box, but a simple WWW
page w/ a single 'project list/expression' field could post to a script that
launched the test gump (but leverage the locking to only run one at once). I
kinda like this idea...



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