
The following lists provides my understanding (based on the "projects" page on of when the last status update was. Projects with a ** have gone more than 3 months without any kind of update. "No Report" means that the project *appears* (according to the status file) never to have issued a report to the Incubator PMC. I'm not sure it's accurate, but I'm just reporting based on the STATUS page.

This started off from a comment from Noel, but I'd also be kinda interested in whether any of these projects can be graduated and/or shut down?

*AltRMI             30 Oct 2003 (No report)
*Axion              19 Dec 2003 (No report)
*Directory          20 Jan 2004
*FtpServer          30 Oct 2003 (No report)
Geronimo            N/A - Graduated (probably needs to be documented)
JuiCE               20 April 2004
*Lenya              20 Jan 2004
*Log4net            15 Jan 2004
Pluto               N/A - Graduated
*Depot              20 Dec 2003
SpamAssassin        22 April 2004
WSRP4J              April 2004 (From CVS logs, date in file is 2004-10-)
XMLBeans            20 April 2004

I thought Log4cxx was also under incubation?

Are there any others?


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