
2015-09-01 9:54 GMT+09:00 John D. Ament <johndam...@apache.org>:

> +1
> On Mon, Aug 31, 2015 at 7:13 PM Edward J. Yoon <edwardy...@apache.org>
> wrote:
> > Hi folks,
> >
> > I would like to call a vote to accept Horn, as a new Apache Incubator
> > project. The full proposal is available at the end of this mail and as
> > a https://wiki.apache.org/incubator/HornProposal (the changes from
> > initial discussion draft are addition of 2 committers from cldi-kaist
> > team and Rich as a mentor).
> >
> > The VOTE is open for at least the next 72 hours:
> >
> > [ ] +1 Accept Horn into the Apache Incubator
> > [ ] 0
> > [ ] -1 Do not accept Horn into the Apache Incubator bc ..
> >
> > I'd like to get the voting started w/ my own +1
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > == Abstract ==
> >
> > Horn [hɔ:n] (korean meaning of Horn is a "Spirit") is a neuron-centric
> > programming APIs and execution framework for large-scale deep
> > learning, built on top of Apache Hama.
> >
> > == Proposal ==
> >
> > It is a goal of the Horn to provide a neuron-centric programming APIs
> > which allows user to easily define the characteristic of artificial
> > neural network model and its structure, and its execution framework
> > that leverages the heterogeneous resources on Hama and Hadoop YARN
> > cluster.
> >
> > == Background ==
> >
> > The initial ANN code was developed at Apache Hama project by a
> > committer, Yexi Jiang (Facebook) in 2013. The motivation behind this
> > work is to build a framework that provides more intuitive programming
> > APIs like Google's MapReduce or Pregel and supports applications
> > needing large model with huge memory consumptions in distributed way.
> >
> > == Rationale ==
> >
> > While many of deep learning open source softwares such as Caffe,
> > DeepDist, DL4j, and NeuralGiraph are still data or model parallel
> > only, we aim to support both data and model parallelism and also
> > fault-tolerant system design. The basic idea of data and model
> > parallelism is use of the remote parameter server to parallelize model
> > creation and distribute training across machines, and the BSP
> > framework of Apache Hama for performing asynchronous mini-batches.
> > Within single BSP job, each task group works asynchronously using
> > region barrier synchronization instead of global barrier
> > synchronization, and trains large-scale neural network model using
> > assigned data sets in BSP paradigm. Thus, we achieve data and model
> > parallelism. This architecture is inspired by Google's !DistBelief
> > (Jeff Dean et al, 2012).
> >
> > == Initial Goals ==
> >
> > Some current goals include:
> >
> >  * builds new community
> >  * provides more intuitive programming APIs
> >  * needs both data and model parallelism support
> >  * must run natively on both Hama and Hadoop2
> >  * needs also GPUs and InfiniBand support (FPGAs if possible)
> >
> > == Current Status ==
> >
> > === Meritocracy ===
> >
> > The core developers understand what it means to have a process based
> > on meritocracy. We will provide continuous efforts to build an
> > environment that supports this, encouraging community members to
> > contribute.
> >
> > === Community ===
> >
> > A small community has formed within the Apache Hama project community,
> > universities, and companies such as deep learning startup, instant
> > messenger service company, and mobile manufacturing company. And many
> > people are interested in the large-scale deep learning platform
> > itself. By bringing Horn into Apache, we believe that the community
> > will grow even bigger.
> >
> > === Core Developers ===
> >
> > Edward J. Yoon, Thomas Jungblut, Jungin Lee, and Minho Kim
> >
> > == Known Risks ==
> >
> > === Orphaned Products ===
> >
> > Apache Hama is already a core open source component at Samsung
> > Electronics, and Horn also will be used by Samsung Electronics and
> > Cldi Inc., and so there is no direct risk for this project to be
> > orphaned.
> >
> > === Inexperience with Open Source ===
> >
> > Some are very new and the others have experience using and/or working
> > on Apache open source projects.
> >
> > === Homogeneous Developers ===
> >
> > The initial committers are from different organizations such as,
> > Microsoft, Samsung Electronics, Seoul National University, Technical
> > University of Munich, KAIST, LINE plus, and Cldi Inc.
> >
> > === Reliance on Salaried Developers ===
> >
> > Few will be worked as a full-time open source developer. Other
> > developers will also start working on the project in their spare time.
> >
> > === Relationships with Other Apache Products ===
> >
> >  * Horn is based on Apache Hama
> >  * Apache Zookeeper is used for distributed locking service
> >  * Natively run on Apache Hadoop and Mesos
> >  * Horn can be somewhat overlapped with Singa podling (If possible,
> > we'd also like to use Singa or Caffe to do the heavy lifting part).
> >
> > === An Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ===
> >
> > Horn itself will hopefully have benefits from Apache, in terms of
> > attracting a community and establishing a solid group of developers,
> > but also the relation with Apache Hadoop, Zookeeper, and Hama. These
> > are the main reasons for us to send this proposal.
> >
> > == Documentation ==
> >
> > Initial plan about Horn can be found at
> > http://blog.udanax.org/2015/06/googles-distbelief-clone-project-on.html
> >
> > == Initial Source ==
> >
> > The initial source code has been release as part of Apache Hama
> > project developed under Apache Software Foundation. The source code is
> > currently hosted at
> >
> >
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/hama/trunk/ml/src/main/java/org/apache/hama/ml/ann/
> >
> > == Cryptography ==
> >
> > Not applicable.
> >
> > == Required Resources ==
> >
> > === Mailing Lists ===
> >
> >  * horn-private
> >  * horn-dev
> >
> > === Subversion Directory ===
> >
> >  * Git is the preferred source control system: git://git.apache.org/horn
> >
> > === Issue Tracking ===
> >
> >  * a JIRA issue tracker, HORN
> >
> > == Initial Committers ==
> >
> >  * Thomas Jungblut (tjungblut AT apache DOT org)
> >  * Edward J. Yoon (edwardyoon AT apache DOT org)
> >  * Dongjin Lee (dongjin.lee.kr AT gmail DOT com)
> >  * Minho Kim (minwise.kim AT samsung DOT com)
> >  * Jungin Lee (jilee AT clid DOT io)
> >  * Kyunghyun Paeng (khpaeng AT kaist DOT ac DOT kr)
> >  * Chia-Hung Lin (chl501 AT apache DOT org)
> >  * Behroz Sikander (behroz.sikander AT tum DOT de)
> >  * Kisuk Lee (ks881115 AT gmail DOT com)
> >
> > == Affiliations ==
> >
> >  * Thomas Jungblut (Microsoft)
> >  * Edward J. Yoon (Samsung Electronics)
> >  * Donjin Lee (LINE Plus)
> >  * Minho Kim (Samsung Electronics)
> >  * Jungin Lee (Cldi Inc.)
> >  * Kyunghyun Paeng (KAIST)
> >  * Chia-Hung Lin (Self)
> >  * Behroz Sikander (Technical University of Munich)
> >  * Kisuk Lee (Seoul National University)
> >
> > == Sponsors ==
> >
> > === Champion ===
> >
> >  * Edward J. Yoon <ASF member, Samsung Electronics>
> >
> > === Nominated Mentors ===
> >
> >  * Luciano Resende <ASF member, IBM>
> >  * Robin Anil <ASF member, Tock>
> >  * Edward J. Yoon <ASF member, Samsung Electronics>
> >  * Rich Bowen <ASF member, Red Hat>
> >
> > === Sponsoring Entity ===
> >
> > The Apache Incubator
> >
> > --
> > Best Regards, Edward J. Yoon
> >
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.org
> > For additional commands, e-mail: general-h...@incubator.apache.org
> >
> >

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