For prior discussion, see the thread

  [doc] Roles and Responsibilities Update Needed

in our archives.

Based upon various discussions we have had lately, I am putting for the
following as what I consider a reasonable attempt to build a consensus:

     An Incubator Project SHOULD have at least three (3) Mentors,
     of which at least one (1) Mentor MUST be an ASF Member.  All
     Mentors MUST be members of the Incubator PMC.

That addresses, or tries to address:

 - Roy's concern that at least one Mentor must be an ASF Member;
 - Justin's concern that we not require a project to have more
   than one Mentor, when it is hard to find more than one for it;
 - Leaves the Incubator PMC free to decide to add additional PMC
   Members of its own choosing as Mentors, so long as at least
   one is an ASF Member;
 - Tries to ensure that each PPMC can bootstrap and largely self-
   manage its daily activities, because each has at least three
   binding (Incubator PMC) votes.

        --- Noel

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