Formally closing this vote now. There were no -1 votes, so the vote is a 
success and the IP can now be imported by the project.

On 18 Dec 2013, at 23:28 , Marcel Offermans <> wrote:

> Note that this is a new vote, after cancelling the previous one.
> Apache Celix received the donation of a shared memory implementation of the 
> remote service admin specification. The donation is tracked by CELIX-81 [1].
> The (updated) IP clearance document is placed under:
> The software grant can be found in the appropriate document in svn (I’ve 
> included a few relevant lines to make it easier to locate it):
>  Thales Nederland B.V.
>    file: thales-nederland-celix-remote-services-admin-bundle.pdf
>    for: A remote services admin bundle and a discovery bundle which uses 
> shared memory for information interchange.  See: CELIX-81
> Please vote to approve this contribution. Lazy consensus applies. If no -1 
> votes are cast within the next 72 hours, the vote passes.
> Greetings, Marcel
> [1]

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