The VOTE by Apache Incubator to graduate Flume podling has passed. Tally of
votes is as follows:

16 +1 votes (9 binding, 7 non-binding)
0 +0 votes
0 -1 votes

Binding +1 votes:
Ralph Goers
Tommaso Teofili
Jukka Zitting
Alan D. Cabrera
Patrick Hunt
Arvind Prabhakar
Marvin Humphrey
Jean-Baptise Onofrè
Niall Pemberton

Non-binding +1 votes:
Jarek Jarcec Cecho
Brock Noland
Mike Percy
Hari Shreedharan
Roman Shaposhnik
Eric Sammer
Juhani Connolly

The VOTE thread for this can be found at [1].


Arvind Prabhakar

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