On 9/19/06, Noel J. Bergman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The proposal can be found in the Incubator wiki here:
> http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/UIMA

Sorry, it doesn't work that way.  You want to request a vote, you include
the proposal in the e-mail.  OK, I'll admit, I've seen the follow up e-mail
where you did post the proposal in response to Garrett Rooney, but I want to
make sure that this is clear to everyone.

> UIMA standard (being put forward concurrently for standardization within

Because anything from OASIS raises red flags for me (I could be a lot less
polite about "standards bodies" that have all too often acted as nothing
more than a rubberstamping facades to promulgate IP encumbered "standards"
for their corporate masters), I just want to make sure that this isn't yet
another OASIS problem.  IBM has generally been a good citizen, but please
confirm that the UIMA standard is not IP encumbered.

IMO, we should make sure to have this question on the submission template.

IMO need to think about this through a little...

we probably need to know which standards the proposal proposes to
implement so that these can be checked for suitability. if the
standard is not capable of an open source implementation then that's
easy. so, it would make sense to include a new section in the template
documentation describing the standards implemented.

the policy on which standards are open enough for an apache
implementation has not complete crystallized. apache has been strong
in pushing for standards which are openly developed and free of IP
encumberance from the standard setters. IMHO apache should keep up
this pressure but not sure that the policy is clear enough to be
written down yet, though.


- robert

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