
This is mainly for IPMC members. But I think it's suitable to discuss
publicly also.

I suggest we actively give positive feedback on podlings making progress on
improving themselves.

We're all volunteers. TBH, most IPMC members do not participate in the
development of podling too much. So, it's common for an IPMC member to know
little about the background and motivation of an "obvious mistake".

I remember a podling failed to proceed with an argument: "The incubator
spends more energy on failing us than helping us".

This alarms me. Although I believe all the IPMC members are helping ensure
podlings follow our cultures and policy and later become well-deserved ASF
TLPs, expression, tone, and sympathy can significantly affect how podlings
interpret feedback.

I highly respect and encourage IPMC members to share their concerns and
give suggestions to podlings to align themselves with the ASF way. However,
keeping the feedback concrete, objective, and actionable as much as
possible can greatly help the feedback loop and give a positive impression.

The ASF is growing and extending new members and projects continuously.
We're always meeting people who lack the background we may feed intuitively
because we have years of experience here.

We're peers in the community and help each other. And while the IPMC mainly
focuses on the community, today I learned the CoPDoC abbr. in the ASF that

> (Co)mmunity - You can join us via our mailing list, issue trackers,
discussions page to interact  with community members, and share vision and
> (P)roject - a clear vision and consensus are needed
> (Do)cumentation - without it, the stuff remains only in the minds of the
> (C)ode - discussion goes nowhere without code

The PPMC, committers, and contributors to the podling are the workhorse for
creating the project, the document, and the code. The ASF exists to provide
software for the public good [1]. So, I highly respect people who create
the software (mainly code and projects), too.

[1] https://www.apache.org/foundation/


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