On Fri, 2004-01-30 at 12:30, Gianugo Rabellino wrote:
> I became involved in the last few months in the Catacomb effort 
> (http://www.webdav.org/catacomb). For those of you who don't know this 
> project, it's all about building a mod_dav plugin/provider that, using a 
> RDBMS as a backend, provides some advanced WebDAV features such as DASL 
> and DeltaV.
> The project started as a UCSC research project but it does have a good 
> deal of external contributors as well. It's, community wise, still a bit 
> in its infancy, expecially from the governance POV, but the codebase is 
> OK, at least as a starting point.
> Since when I started working with it, I thought that Catacomb could be a 
> very good addition for the httpd folks: IMHO it's the typical win-win 
> situation, where Apache gains knowleadgeble folks in a very important 
> area as well as a pretty robust codebase with cool features and Catacomb 
> gets much more visibility (and outside help, and diffusion, and all the 
> yadda-yadda...).
> This said, and after having reached consensus on the Catacomb mailing 
> list, I've started to consider how to move forward, and this is why I'm 
> requiring your assistence. The first and foremost question is 
> understanding whether Catacomb should really undergo the incubation 
> process: it's a small and pretty straightforward codebase (less than 
> 13000 SLOC) which doesn't really qualify even as a module, being a 
> "module's module" given the current mod_dav architecture. I'm somehow 
> wondering, as a starting point, if this could be considered "just" a 
> simple code donation or if it would be advisable, since it requires 
> adding a fair bunch of people as committers, to approach it in the 
> established way, as a fully fledged incubation process.

Part of going through the Incubator is clearing the legalities.  And
this most certainly cannot be skipped.

> I'm open to either opportunities, and willing to help the Catacomb 
> community enter Apache doing all the boring "paperwork" if there is 
> interest on this side of the fence too.

We can always use help in that dept.  Chasing people for CLAs and
the like ;).

>  Mind you, I'm not an ASF member, 
> so I would also like to know if there is someone among you willing to 
> champion this proposal while counting on my help. Also, please note that 
> I'm not of course part of the httpd PMC, so if you need some input keep 
> me in CC (or just discuss it on [EMAIL PROTECTED]).
> Comments?

I think Catacomb would be a welcome addition to the HTTP Server project.


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