On 7/30/06, Justin Erenkrantz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The problem that Roller did was that they took code that was in our
SVN repository, removed the license blocks and relicensed it to LGPL
(I think) and posted it to java.net.  In two words, "Uh, no."

Sorry this is a little late in a reply, I thought it was warranted as
Wicket is going to hit the same problems Roller hit and I don't want
Justin's mistakes above to go unanswered. :)

It wasn't relicensed to LGPL, Roller was ASL licensed from the
beginning. The overall zip contained LGPL jars, but that's not a legal
problem, just one of ASF policy.

License blocks weren't removed - the problem was that we didn't add
them, or change package names, for a long time _because_ it would be a
problem releasing (they were finally added on May 1st 2006).

I still see nothing wrong in the way Roller did things - it's the only
way to do things if you don't want to split your community between an
old version outside the ASF and a new version at the ASF. The danger
is that releasing outside the ASF removes the itch to get passed the
various issues stopping you being able to release at the ASF. Your
community has to keep a strong desire to get out of the Incubator as
the major itch (thou shall not release) has been removed.

Note that Roller is currently releasing at the ASF with LGPL
dependencies in accordance with Cliff's 3rd party policy (ie: the
dependencies aren't distributed).


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