On Oct 29, 2006, at 5:37 AM, Upayavira wrote:

The Wicket community is attempting to steer a difficult course between supporting its existing users and also entering Incubation. The community is committed to incubation within Apache, but at the same time wishes to make the transition for its users as manageable as possible.

It has been decided that incubator releases will start with the 1.3 branch, as 1.2 is more or less in maintenance mode, but also contains some licensing issues that would make it difficult to release as an incubator release.

Therefore, this email is to inform the Incubator PMC that the wicket community are planning to make a release, independent of Apache and the Incubator, for release 1.2.3.

Great, no problems there.  It isn't even necessary to mention Apache.

The following notice will be included in the release.


Er, no, that's wrong.  Assuming it is using the Apache License, the
only things that should be in NOTICE are mandatory credit/notice items
that you expect all downstream redistributors to include. In other words,
the content of an "About..." style dialog, wherein the contents are
required for redisplay by others.

If a disclaimer is desired, just put it in the README file.


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