David N. Welton wrote:
> Niclas Hedhman wrote:
> > On Friday 13 January 2006 04:27, David E. Jones wrote:
> > 
> >>As I understand it in order to become a top level project the Board  
> >>must be the sponsor, which is why the proposal was written that way.  
> > 
> > That is a misconception. For projects targetting top-level, EITHER the 
> > Board 
> > or the Incubator PMC must sponsor.
> > Board doesn't like to sponsor, and do so only in exceptional cases. So the 
> > Incubator PMC is the right folks to address. (And probably why you get the 
> > "What is this doing here?" response from the Board.)
> IMO this is a "buglet" with
> http://incubator.apache.org/incubation/Incubation_Policy.html
> which I filed here:
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INCUBATOR-10
> If you're reading that for the first time, or even if you're an ASF
> member like me who hasn't dealt with incubation before, it doesn't give
> you a sense for which one is the best to use.
> If someone grants me the relevant SVN karma and points me to the right
> checkout url, I will fix this and the other two bugs I filed as well.


The incubator/public svn is writable by "members"
and "pmc-chairs" and also by committers on any
of the incubating projects. So pretty well everyone
can help with improving the content.

I gather that there are some parts of the website
(not sure which) that need the agreement of the
Incubator PMC.


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