Hi all ... My name is Joseph, from the Technical Univerisity of Catalonia (UPC). This 
is my first messege here ... 

I'm developing a web application under Apache 1.3.27, with client authentication under 
a certain path, /htdocs/client_aut ... that is, if a client requires a resource placed 
under /htdocs/client_aut, he will need to show his or her digital certificate. I have 
implemented this idea as follows  (httpd.conf):

<Location /usr/local/apache/htdocs/client_aut>
SSLVerifyClient require
SSLVerifiDepth 1

I have a created these certificates:

* a CA self-signet certificate, named certificatCA.crt (placed at /conf/ssl.crt) 
* a server certificate, signed by CA, named certificatSERV.crt (placed at 
* a client certificate, singned by CA, named clientSERV.crt, installed at the client 
web browser.

And I have configured SSL connection as follows:

SSLCertificateFile path/to/certificatSERV.crt
SSLCertificateKeyfile path/to/clausSERV.key
SSLCACertificateFile path/to/certificatCA.crt

But it does not work ... when I try to acces to the web server from my brownser, 
server autenthication is OK, but when I choose "clientSERV.crt" in order to 
authenticate me, it does not work.

Any tip?

Thanks all


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