The first milestone release of the next version of Tomcat 3.x is available
for download and testing.  As a Tomcat 3.x release, it remains an
implementation of the Servlet 2.2 and JSP 1.1 specifications.

In addition to bug fixes, a large amount of refactoring has gone into
Tomcat 3.3m1 since Tomcat 3.2. Much of the code is still there, but cleaned
up and likely in a new location. It is hoped with the changes that have
occurred, you will find Tomcat 3.3 more flexible and easier to configure.
You should also find improved performance over Tomcat 3.2.

In this milestone release, documentation hasn't caught up with some of the more
recent changes to Tomcat 3.3m1.  For this reason, be sure to read the "README"
file found in Tomcat's "doc" directory.  It contains documentation that covers
some of the more important of these recent changes to Tomcat 3.3.

In addition to the "README" file, the following notes provide some additional
information you will need to make full use of this release:

1) The binary distribution has source for the connectors, but not for the
   Tomcat container.  The source for the full jakarta-tomcat CVS tree is
   available separately in the "v3.3-m1/src" directory.

2) The internal directory structure contained in the binary and source archives
   differs from Tomcat 3.2.  The binary expands to a directory called "tomcat"
   and the source expands to "jakarta-tomcat".  This matches what you would get
   if you checked out CVS source and built Tomcat from that source.

3) The new class loader scheme in this release ignores your CLASSPATH setting.
   Instead, you are expected to add needed jars to Tomcat's "lib", "lib/common",
   and "lib/shared" directories. See the "README" file in Tomcat's "doc"
   directory for details.

4) The "sanity-test" is not part of the binary distribution like it was with
   Tomcat 3.2.  However, it is available in "War" form, along with the
   Watchdog JSP and servlet tests.  These are found in the "v3.3-m1/apps"
   directory.  Place these War files in Tomcat's "webapps" directory before
   starting Tomcat. To simplify testing, these tests can be run from the Admin
   web application. See the "README" file in Tomcat's "doc" directory for details.

5) On Windows 9x, there have been instances where the watchdog-jsp.jsp test
   failed to run when the jsp was first compiled.  If this happens, try
   refreshing the page to get the test to run.  Note: There is one expected
   failure, "positiveScriptlet.jsp", when the watchdog-jsp.jsp test is run again
   without restarting Tomcat 3.3.

6) For the watchdog-servlet.jsp test file to run, you must copy
   jakarta-tools' "moo.jar" and jakarta-watchdog's "client.jar" to Tomcat's
   "webapps/admin/WEB-INF/lib" directory before starting Tomcat.  Both of these
   jars are found in the "v3.3-m1/bin" directory.  These will be included in
   the admin.war in the next release.

7) The Admin web application's index.html file has an error in the commands
   it displays to set it to "trusted".  "run" should appear before "-enableAdmin"
   when using the ".sh" and ".bat" files.  This is documented correctly in
   the "README" in the "doc" directory.

Please download this release and give it a try in your environment.  The source,
rpms, and binaries may be found at:

To log problems or bugs, as well as submit patches, please refer to:

When logging bugs to Bugzilla, please specify the Program as "Tomcat 3"  and
the Version as "Nightly Build".

I would like to thank all those who have volunteered their time and efforts to
bring Tomcat 3.3m1 to this point. I look forward to continuing the effort to
bring Tomcat 3.3 to a final release.

Larry Isaacs

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