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The following page has been changed by RolandWeber:

  ==== HttpComponents ====
+ The most important thing first: [ 
HttpComponents] has a shiny new logo, mostly red with vertical violet lines 
adding some contrast and matching nicely with the feather in the Jakarta logo.
+ Bug tracking has moved from bugzilla to JIRA for both HttpClient and 
+ A new Client HTTP Programming Primer in the wiki simplifies the life of new 
+ The release of HttpComponents HttpCore 4.0-alpha1 in April is to be followed 
by an alpha2 in June. That is a prerequisite for Axis2 switching from a fork of 
HttpClient test code to HttpCore, making them our first official user!
+ Work on HttpClient 4.0 is making progress on the coding front. For the time 
being, this component will also include the cookie, authentication and 
connection management code to reduce the overhead for release management.
+ HttpAsync has seen some design documentation being added and will pick up on 
coding in the next quarter.
+ For HttpClient 3, there was a minor bugfix release 3.0.1. Work on the 3.1 
release that will include the Cookie2 support from last year's GSoC is in 
progress. Our apologies for the delay, but there is really a lot of tedious 
work to be done to get HttpComponents up to speed, so HttpClient 3 development 
had to be cut back to life support for a while. Cookie2 support is expected to 
be the last major addition to the old code base.

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