Webboard: db4 support in mnogosearch?

2002-04-29 Thread r blake
Author: r blake Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Message: hi, i've installed mnogosearch & berkelyDB4 on MacOSX server 10.1.4 i note in configure that -with-db2 & -with-db3 *are* supported, but -with-db has been deprecated. is there support for DB4 linkage in mnogosearch yet? thanks, richard Reply:

Webboard: Indexing Dynamic pages

2002-04-29 Thread Leif Neland
Author: Leif Neland Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Message: I have tried not disallowing \? But it still doesn't work. The root page (index.php) forwards to http://www.oursite.dom/page.php?page=226&menu=1 This page is in the url table, but status = 0, and no fields like title, text, keywords or co