This one gives you the option of returning XML.

The way to use it is this:

if you use it as a regular php script 
[eg http://lonwebhost20:8080/udm/blank.php ]
It does what you'd expect; returns results that're formatted based on the
template blank.htm

If, on the other hand, you run it with
or simimlar, it returns XML.

When I say "or similar", it actually returns XML for ANYTHING where you
finish it with a ".xml" extension [case insensitive], so
http://lonwebhost20:8080/udm/blank.php/ would also
work just fine (=

>From my experience, I'd recommend [if you're using IE and actually want to
get XML back] that you only do this as an HTTP POST, because IE can be a bit
annoying sometimes...

I'd love to hear from anyone who actually finds this useful, especially if
they have anything to add.

Just in case anyone's interested, the actual use for this is that I'm
working on a system whereby people in this company can go to a web page, add
their information, and then have a search engine on their page with almost
no effort by them.

The blank.htm version is so that if they just want to put it in a frame and
not have to do any formatting, etc, then it works just fine.

Gary (-;

PS Mozilla/NS6 doesn't like it because the <?xml version="1.0"
standalone="yes"?> line isn't necessarily on the first line. This is a bug
in NS/moz, and you probably want to do some server-side XSL translation,



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