dims        2004/02/11 08:23:01

  Added:       targets/ws-fx/addressing/style maven.css maven_ns4_only.css
                        ns4_only.css print.css tigris.css
  Checkin web site for addressing
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  ws-site/targets/ws-fx/addressing/style/maven.css
  Index: maven.css
  body {
   background: #fff;
   color: #000;
  .app h3 {
   color: #fff;
   background-color: #036;
  .app h4 {
   color: #fff;
   background-color: #888;
  .a td { 
   background: #ddd;
   color: #000;
  .b td { 
   background: #efefef;
   color: #000;
  .app th {
   background-color: #bbb;
   color: #fff;
  div#banner {
   border-top: 1px solid #369;
   border-bottom: 1px solid #003;
  #banner, #banner td { 
   background: #036;
   color: #fff;
  #leftcol {
   background: #eee;
   color: #000;
   border-right: 1px solid #aaa;
   border-bottom: 1px solid #aaa;
   border-top: 1px solid #fff;
  #navcolumn {
   background: #eee;
   color: #000;
   border-right: none;
   border-bottom: none;
   border-top: none;
  #breadcrumbs {
   background-color: #ddd;
   color: #000;
   border-top: 1px solid #fff;
   border-bottom: 1px solid #aaa;
  #source {
   background-color: #fff;
   color: #000;
   border-right: 1px solid #888; 
   border-left: 1px solid #888; 
   border-top: 1px solid #888; 
   border-bottom: 1px solid #888; 
   margin-right: 7px;
   margin-left: 7px;
   margin-top: 1em;
  #source pre {
   margin-right: 7px;
   margin-left: 7px;
  a[name]:hover, #leftcol a[name]:hover {
   color: inherit !important;
  a:link, #breadcrumbs a:visited, #navcolumn a:visited, .app a:visited, .tasknav 
a:visited {
   color: blue;
  a:active, a:hover, #leftcol a:active, #leftcol a:hover {
   color: #f30 !important;
  a:link.selfref, a:visited.selfref {
   color: #555 !important;
  h3, h4 {
   margin-top: 1em;
   margin-bottom: 0;
  1.1                  ws-site/targets/ws-fx/addressing/style/maven_ns4_only.css
  Index: maven_ns4_only.css
  body {
   background: #fff;
   color: #000;
  a:active, a:hover, #leftcol a:active, #leftcol a:hover {
   color: #f30;
  #leftcol a:link, #leftcol a:visited {
   color: blue;
  .a td { 
   background: #ddd;
   color: #000;
  .b td { 
   background: #efefef;
   color: #000;
  body .app th {
   background-color: #bbb;
   color: #fff;
  #navcolumn div strong {
   background: #fff;
   color: #555;
  #banner, #banner td { 
   background: #036;
   color: #fff;
  1.1                  ws-site/targets/ws-fx/addressing/style/ns4_only.css
  Index: ns4_only.css
  /* simple rules suitable for Netscape 4.x only; richer rules are in tigris.css. see 
<http://style.tigris.org/> */
  /* colors, backgrounds, borders, link indication */ 
  body {
   background: #fff;
   color: #000;
  #leftcol a:link, #leftcol a:visited {
   color: blue;
  a:active, a:hover, #leftcol a:active, #leftcol a:hover {
   color: #f30;
  #login a:link, #login a:visited {
   color: white; 
   text-decoration: underline;
  #banner a:active, #banner a:hover {
   color: #f90;
  #leftcol a, #breadcrumbs a  {
   text-decoration: none;
  h2 .lastchild {
   color: #777
  .a td { 
   background: #ddd;
  .b td { 
   background: #efefef;
  .tabs td, .tabs th {
   background-color: #ddd;
  body .app th {
   background-color: #bbb;
  body .tabs th {
   background-color: #888;
   color: #fff;
  body .app .axial th {
   background-color: #ddd;
   color: black
  .tabs td {
   background-color: #ddd;
  .alert { 
   color: #c00;
  .confirm {
   color: green;
  .info {
   color: blue;
  .selection {
   background: #ffc;
  #login {
   color: #fff;
  #helptext th {
   background: #cc9;
  #helptext td {
   background: #ffc;
  .tabs a  {
   text-decoration: none;
  #navcolumn div strong {
   color: #555;
  #banner, #banner td { 
   background: #036;
   color: #fff;
  body #banner #login a { 
   color: white;
  /* font and text properties, exclusive of link indication, alignment, text-indent */
  body, div, p, th, td, li, dl, dd {
   font-family: Lucida, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
  code, pre {
   font-family: 'Andale Mono', Courier, monospace;
  h2, h3, h4 {
   font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
  .selection {
   font-weight: bold
  #login .username {
   font-weight: bold;
  /* box properties (exclusive of borders), positioning, alignments, list types, 
text-indent */
  th, td {
   text-align: left;
   vertical-align: top 
  .right {
   text-align: right;
  .center {
   text-align: center;
  body .app .axial th {
   text-align: right;
  .app .axial td th {
   text-align: left;
  body td .stb {
   margin-top: 1em;
   text-indent: 0;
  body td .mtb {
   margin-top: 2em;
   text-indent: 0;
  dd {
   margin-bottom: .67em;
  #footer {
   margin: 4px
  #helptext {
   margin-top: 1em
  #helptext td div {
   margin: .5em
  .courtesylinks {
   margin-top: 1em;
   padding-top: 1em
  #navcolumn div {
   margin-bottom: .5em;
  #navcolumn div div {
   margin-top: .3em
  #navcolumn div div {
   padding-left: 1em;
  #banner, #banner td { 
   vertical-align: middle;
  body.docs, body.nonav {
   margin: 1em
  1.1                  ws-site/targets/ws-fx/addressing/style/print.css
  Index: print.css
  #banner, #footer, #leftcol, #breadcrumbs, .docs #toc, .docs .courtesylinks    {
        display: none;
  body.docs div.docs    {
        margin: 0 !important;
        border: none !important
  1.1                  ws-site/targets/ws-fx/addressing/style/tigris.css
  Index: tigris.css
  /* contains rules unsuitable for Netscape 4.x; simpler rules are in ns4_only.css. 
see <http://style.tigris.org/> */
  /* colors, backgrounds, borders, link indication */ 
  body {
   background: #fff;
   color: #000;
  .app h3, .app h4, .app th, .tabs td, .tabs th, .functnbar {
   background-image: url(../images/nw_min.gif);
   background-repeat: no-repeat;
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   background-image: url(../images/strich.gif);
   background-repeat: no-repeat;
   background-position: .5em .5em;
  #navcolumn div div.heading  {
   background-image: none;
  .app h3, .app h4 {
   color: #fff;
  .app h3 {
   background-color: #036;
  .app h4 { 
   background-color: #888;
  .a td { 
   background: #ddd;
  .b td { 
   background: #efefef;
  table, th, td {
   border: none
  .mtb {
   border-top: solid 1px #ddd;
  div.colbar {
   background: #bbb;
  div#banner {
   border-top: 1px solid #369;
   border-bottom: 1px solid #003;
  div#helptext th {
   border-bottom: 1px solid #996;
   border-right: 1px solid #996;
  div#helptext td {
   border-bottom: 1px solid #cc9;
   border-right: 1px solid #cc9;
  .tabs { 
   border-bottom: .75em #888 solid;
  .tabs th, .tabs td {
   border-right: 1px solid #333;
  .tabs td {
   border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;
  #navcolumn {
   background: #eee;
   border-right: 1px solid #aaa;
   border-bottom: 1px solid #aaa;
  #breadcrumbs {
   border-bottom: 1px solid #aaa;
   background-color: #ddd;
  #navcolumn, #breadcrumbs {
   border-top: 1px solid #fff;
  #rightcol div.www, #rightcol div.help {
   border: 1px solid #ddd;
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   border-top: 1px solid #aaa;
   border-left: 1px solid #aaa;
   background-color: #fff;
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   background: #fff;
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   border-top: 1px solid #ddd;
  body.docs { 
   background: #eee url(../images/help_logo.gif) top right no-repeat !important;
  .docs h3, .docs h4 {
   border-top: solid 1px #000;
  #alerterrormessage { 
   background: url(../images/icon_alert.gif) top left no-repeat !important;
  .functnbar {
   background-color: #aaa;
  .functnbar2, .functnbar3  {
   background: #aaa url(../images/sw_min.gif) no-repeat bottom left;
  .functnbar3 {
   background-color: #ddd;
  .functnbar, .functnbar2, .functnbar3 {
   color: #000;
  .functnbar a, .functnbar2 a, .functnbar3 a {
   color: #000;
   text-decoration: underline;
  #topmodule {
   background: #ddd;
   border-top: 1px solid #fff;
   border-bottom: 1px solid #aaa; 
   border-right: 1px solid #aaa; 
  #topmodule #issueid {
   border-right: 1px solid #aaa;
  a:link, #navcolumn a:visited, .app a:visited, .tasknav a:visited {
   color: blue;
  a:active, a:hover, #leftcol a:active, #leftcol a:hover {
   color: #f30 !important;
  #login a:link, #login a:visited {
   color: white; 
   text-decoration: underline;
  #banner a:active, #banner a:hover {
   color: #f90 !important;
  #leftcol a, #breadcrumbs a  {
   text-decoration: none;
  a:link.selfref, a:visited.selfref {
   color: #555 !important;
   text-decoration: none;
  h2 .lastchild {
   color: #777
  .tabs td, .tabs th {
   background-color: #ddd;
  .app th {
   background-color: #bbb;
  .tabs th {
   background-color: #888;
   color: #fff;
  .axial th {
   background-color: #ddd;
   color: black
  .tabs td {
   background-color: #ddd;
  .alert { 
   color: #c00;
  .confirm {
   color: green;
  .info {
   color: blue;
  .selection {
   background: #ffc;
  #login {
   color: #fff;
  #helptext th {
   background: #cc9;
  #helptext td {
   background: #ffc;
  .tabs a  {
   text-decoration: none;
  #navcolumn div strong {
   color: #000;
  #banner, #banner td { 
   background: #036;
   color: #fff;
  body #banner #login a { 
   color: #fff;
  /* font and text properties, exclusive of link indication, alignment, text-indent */
  body, th, td, input, select, textarea, h2 small {
   font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
  code, pre {
   font-family: 'Andale Mono', Courier, monospace;
  html body, body th, body td, textarea, h2 small, .app h3, .app h4, #rightcol h3, 
#bodycol pre, #bodycol code {
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   voice-family: inherit;
   font-size: small
  html>body, html>body th, html>body td, html>body input, html>body select, html>body 
textarea, html>body h2 small, html>body .app h3, html>body .app h4, html>body 
#rightcol h3, html>body #bodycol pre, html>body #bodycol code {
   font-size: small
  small, div#footer td, div#login, div#helptext th, div#helptext td, div.tabs th, 
div.tabs td, input, select, .paginate, .functnbar, .functnbar2, .functnbar3, 
#breadcrumbs td, .courtesylinks, #rightcol div.help, .colbar, .tasknav, body.docs 
div#toc {
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div#helptext td, html>body div#helptext th, html>body div.tabs th, html>body div.tabs 
td, html>body input, html>body select, html>body .paginate, html>body .functnbar, 
html>body .functnbar2, html>body .functnbar3, html>body #breadcrumbs td, html>body 
.courtesylinks, html>body #rightcol div.help, html>body .colbar, html>body .tasknav, 
html>body.docs #toc {
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   font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
   font-size: 1.5em;
   font-weight: normal;
  h2 small {
   font-weight: bold;
   letter-spacing: .06em;
  dt {
   font-weight: bold
  #login .username {
   font-weight: bold;
  h4 {
   font-size: 1em;
  #breadcrumbs td {
   font-weight: bold;
  .selection {
   font-weight: bold
  /* box properties (exclusive of borders), positioning, alignments, list types, 
text-indent */
  #bodycol h2 {
   margin-top: .3em;
   margin-bottom: .5em;
  p, ul, ol, dl {
   margin-top: .67em;
   margin-bottom: .67em;
  h3, h4 {
   margin-bottom: 0;
  form {
   margin-top: 0;
   margin-bottom: 0;
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   voice-family: inherit;
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   width: auto;
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   line-height: 1.4;
  .app h3, .app h4 {
   padding: 5px;
   margin-right: 2px;
   margin-left: 2px;
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   margin-right: 7px;
   margin-left: 7px;
  .tasknav {
   margin-bottom: 1.33em
  div.colbar {
   padding: 4px;
   margin: 2px 2px 0;
  .tabs { 
   margin-top: .67em;
   margin-right: 2px;
   margin-left: 2px;
  #leftcol {
   padding-bottom: .5em;
  #breadcrumbs td {
   vertical-align: middle;
   padding: 2px 8px;
  #rightcol div.www, #rightcol div.help {
   padding: 0 .5em
  #navcolumn {
   margin: -8px -8px 0 -8px;
   padding: 4px;
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   padding-left: 5px
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   margin-top: .3em;
   margin-bottom: .3em;
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   margin-top: -.1em;
   padding: .2em 4px; 
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   position: absolute;
   top: 15px;
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   width: 120px;
   padding: 0 20px 0 0
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   padding: 1em 2em 1em 1em !important;
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   text-indent: 5%;
   margin-top: -.67em
  .docs h3, .docs h4 {
   margin-bottom: .1em;
   padding-top: .3em;
  #alerterrormessage { 
   padding-left: 100px;
  .functnbar, .functnbar2, .functnbar3 {
   padding: 5px;
   margin: .67em 2px;
  #topmodule td {
   vertical-align: middle;
   padding: 2px 8px
  body {
   padding: 1em;
  body.composite, body.docs {
   margin: 0;
   padding: 0;
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   text-align: left;
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  .right {
   text-align: right !important;
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   text-align: center !important;
  .tabs td, .tabs th {
   padding-left: 7px;
   padding-right: 7px;
  .axial th {
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  .app .axial td th {
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  body td .stb {
   margin-top: 1em;
   text-indent: 0;
  body td .mtb {
   margin-top: 2em;
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  dd {
   margin-bottom: .67em;
  #footer {
   margin: 4px
  #helptext {
   margin-top: 1em
  #helptext td div {
   margin: .5em
  .courtesylinks {
   margin-top: 1em;
   padding-top: 1em
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   margin-bottom: .5em;
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  #navcolumn div div {
   padding-left: 1em;
  #banner, #banner td { 
   vertical-align: middle;
  body.docs, body.nonav {
   margin: 1em

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