
On Sat, May 30, 2015 at 12:24:08AM +0000, Nobody III wrote:
> Thanks! I'm still new to Git, but I don't want to wade through a ton of
> documentation just to find a few answers.

To be honest this kind of mindset is what makes developers keep back
from helping beginners in public forums. It also leads to the wrong
conclusion that it's not worth the effort to invest time as *those
people* are lazy anyway and never read documentation.

I had a couple of those discussions and still don't share the
assumption. On the contrary, I believe it is important to help
beginners to understand the developers perspective in this matter.
Developers invested a vast amount of time in education (often
self-education), which includes "wading through a ton of
documentation", reading books, and mailing-list discussions. Further,
they also put lot of practical experience on the scale, which most of
them are eager to share. The basic reward developers expect in return
is respect, willingness to learn, and personal contribution, for
example, self-education.

Therefore, I advise you to read the ProGit book, which takes 1-2 days,
and further delve into some aspects that are not clear in the first
place via the numerous resources in the web. We are not Git experts
either but we invested time to master the tools.

Christian Helmuth
Genode Labs · · /ˈdʒiː.nəʊd/

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