Guy Harrison posted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
excerpted below,  on Mon, 13 Feb 2006 23:26:16 +0000:

> On Monday 13 Feb 2006 00:40, Hemmann, Volker Armin wrote:
>> On Monday 13 February 2006 01:02, Guy Harrison wrote:
>> >
>> > I am hoping for some hints on how to repopulate the startbar
>> > automatically. Failing that, where to look inside $HOME/.kde for
>> > partially corrupted files.
>> with startbar you mean kicker?
> Not sure. I've never thought to wonder what it is actually called! The 
> drop down menu which holds all the apps along with "most used 
> Applications", "All Applications", "Actions" sections in it.

OK, the whole set of panels, however many you may run, and whatever you
run on them, is "kicker".  The specific button you are referring to, with
the K on it, that contains the menu with all those entries, is the
"KMenu".  KMenu is of course just one button out of all sorts of buttons,
applets, and additional extension panels, that is possible to put in
kicker.  As it happens, the KMenu is one of several there by default.

>> it really sounds like something ate your configs. If we are still
>> talking about kicker, its config is in .kde/share/config/ called
>> kickerrc.
> Well this really is nuts - they're back! I was certain all the KDE apps 
> had vanished when I first started posting various places on friday. 
> Yesterday I was scratching my head thinking I'd lost my memory when the 
> unused kde apps were back. Today, I return from work (having accessed via 
> ssh again) and not only are they all back but so are the file 
> associations. The most bizarre is rxvt - it has regained its arguments in 
> kmenuedit. At least the kde apps were either there or not whereas rxvt 
> has been "there a bit".

Well, you /did/ say you were looking for an "automatic" way to get it
back.  It just turned out more "automatic" than you expected!  =8^)  Of
course, the down side to that is that because it came back on its own, you
really can't be sure what caused it to disappear in the first place. =8^(

> Anyway, can you confirm it is kicker I'm describing or not please? While 
> it's working I'd like to understand what the settings should be lest it 
> happen again.

Yes, it is, or rather, the KMenu is just one of the kicker applets.

As for everything regaining all the arguments and file associations,
that's not entirely surprising, since KDE normally stores those as
attributes of the menu items in the KMenu.  When you lost access to the
menu, KDE lost access to all its file associations and the like as well. 
Whatever restored the menu therefore restored the file associations, since
they are stored in the same place.

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