dabbott     14/06/15 19:28:39

  Added:                meeting-06-15.log
  log from June trustee meeting

Revision  Changes    Path
1.1                  xml/htdocs/foundation/en/minutes/2014/meeting-06-15.log

file : 

Index: meeting-06-15.log
Jun 15 14:59:41 <NeddySeagoon>  Roll Call
Jun 15 14:59:47 <dabbott>       here
Jun 15 14:59:49 <Betelgeuse>    SwifT: lol
Jun 15 14:59:50 *       ChanServ gives channel operator status to 
Jun 15 14:59:51 <SwifT> here
Jun 15 14:59:51 <Betelgeuse>    NeddySeagoon: here
Jun 15 14:59:51 *       NeddySeagoon is here
Jun 15 15:00:05 <NeddySeagoon>  Thats 4
Jun 15 15:00:08 <quantumsummers2>       hello folks
Jun 15 15:00:20 <dabbott>       hi quantumsummers 
Jun 15 15:00:23 <quantumsummers2>       I am not authd
Jun 15 15:00:33 <NeddySeagoon>  5 out of 5 on Fathers day too
Jun 15 15:00:56 <quantumsummers2>       I'm at a FAM functio. on my phone
Jun 15 15:01:20 <NeddySeagoon>  Logging ?  I have no idea if my logger is still 
Jun 15 15:01:26 <dabbott>       I got it
Jun 15 15:01:34 <NeddySeagoon>  Thanks
Jun 15 15:01:55 <NeddySeagoon>  Item 1.   Infra Funding (bugzilla, wiki, 
Jun 15 15:02:36 <dabbott>       still getting info together quantumsummers has 
been working on it with infra
Jun 15 15:02:52 <NeddySeagoon>  OK moving on ...
Jun 15 15:02:58 <quantumsummers2>       yes
Jun 15 15:03:04 <NeddySeagoon>  Initiate Trustee Election
Jun 15 15:03:12 <dabbott>       done
Jun 15 15:03:25 <Betelgeuse>    for infra are we on top of things for the dl of 
the old servers going away?
Jun 15 15:03:28 <NeddySeagoon>  Looks OK but we need the results before 16 Aug
Jun 15 15:04:10 <quantumsummers2>       Betelgeuse yes on track
Jun 15 15:04:12 <dabbott>       The voting period is four weeks commencing, 14 
Jun 15 15:04:17 <NeddySeagoon>  Betelgeuse, from the email, infra are still 
looking for new sponsors
Jun 15 15:04:53 <NeddySeagoon>  dabbott, that should work.  If we need a voting 
Jun 15 15:04:55 <Betelgeuse>    quantumsummers2: great, thanks
Jun 15 15:05:26 <NeddySeagoon>   3.    dabbotts member list
Jun 15 15:05:37 <dabbott>       
Jun 15 15:05:41 <NeddySeagoon>  I'll fix the +V list here
Jun 15 15:05:55 <dabbott>       I got with jmbsvicetto and quantumsummers that 
should be good
Jun 15 15:06:11 <quantumsummers2>       yep on track there
Jun 15 15:06:39 <NeddySeagoon>  WE need to fix  -forums-announce, so we can 
send the legal notices
Jun 15 15:06:54 <NeddySeagoon>  foundations*
Jun 15 15:06:58 <robbat2>       what's broken with it?
Jun 15 15:07:05 <robbat2>       or do you just mean add new emails
Jun 15 15:07:32 <NeddySeagoon>  robbat2, it needs to be updated for the revised 
members list
Jun 15 15:07:40 <robbat2>       that's not broken
Jun 15 15:07:46 <robbat2>       thats just out of date ;-)
Jun 15 15:07:49 <NeddySeagoon>  robbat2, add/remove...
Jun 15 15:07:55 <NeddySeagoon>  hehe
Jun 15 15:08:01 <robbat2>       is that member list page the final one?
Jun 15 15:08:10 <dabbott>       yes
Jun 15 15:08:12 <robbat2>       if so, i'll update the subs now
Jun 15 15:08:20 <NeddySeagoon>  thanks robbat2 
Jun 15 15:08:36 <dabbott>       only 3 non developer emails
Jun 15 15:08:43 <NeddySeagoon>  quantumsummers, your stuff
Jun 15 15:09:21 <NeddySeagoon>  quantumsummers, do you want a bye as you are on 
a phone?
Jun 15 15:09:22 <quantumsummers2>       nothing save prepping for taxes coming 
up end of june
Jun 15 15:10:00 <quantumsummers2>       probably not able to go into detail... 
not that there is much.
Jun 15 15:10:06 <NeddySeagoon>  SwifT, Gentoo Trademark License Agreement   you 
have the floor
Jun 15 15:10:42 <SwifT> I didn't receive any feedback from the gentoo e.v. side 
to try and have a common license, so I'll update the draft document to focus 
only on gentoo foundation side
Jun 15 15:10:57 <SwifT> i'll do that later and send the revised draft to 
Jun 15 15:11:22 <SwifT> that's it
Jun 15 15:11:36 <NeddySeagoon>  thank you.
Jun 15 15:11:46 <NeddySeagoon>  Bugs
Jun 15 15:12:05 <dabbott>       I don't see anything new
Jun 15 15:12:49 <NeddySeagoon>  Is there any bug we need to discuss now ?
Jun 15 15:13:02 <SwifT> don't think so
Jun 15 15:13:03 <dabbott>       no
Jun 15 15:13:39 <NeddySeagoon>  New Business ... there seems to be none.
Jun 15 15:14:01 <NeddySeagoon>  Cleanup ...
Jun 15 15:14:11 <SwifT> do we need to do anything on a3li's request to exit 
membership? or is that already done?
Jun 15 15:14:24 <dabbott>       thats done
Jun 15 15:14:30 <SwifT> ok, ignore me then
Jun 15 15:14:30 <NeddySeagoon>  Date of Next Meeting - 20 July 2014 19:00 UTC
Jun 15 15:14:37 <dabbott>       fine here
Jun 15 15:14:38 <NeddySeagoon>  Works for me
Jun 15 15:14:42 <SwifT> ok here
Jun 15 15:14:58 <SwifT> oh wait, i'm on holiday then
Jun 15 15:15:17 <NeddySeagoon>  quantumsummers, Betelgeuse ?
Jun 15 15:15:18 <SwifT> doesn't mean I can't join in (there's Internet where I 
go, it's a primary requirement here ;) but no guarantees yet
Jun 15 15:16:03 <Betelgeuse>    NeddySeagoon: let me check
Jun 15 15:16:14 <Betelgeuse>    NeddySeagoon: wfm
Jun 15 15:16:15 <NeddySeagoon>  SwifT, heh -  when we go away, its a primary 
requirement that there is no internet :)
Jun 15 15:16:18 <quantumsummers2>       should be fine
Jun 15 15:16:42 <NeddySeagoon>  OK, we have 3 and a maybe for 20 Jul.
Jun 15 15:16:56 <NeddySeagoon>  Any other business ?
Jun 15 15:17:19 <NeddySeagoon>  I intend to stand for a 4th term 
Jun 15 15:18:07 <dabbott>       great :)
Jun 15 15:18:23 <SwifT> good - the gravel banging would not sound proper 
without you :p
Jun 15 15:18:31 <NeddySeagoon>  AoB once more ...
Jun 15 15:18:38 <Betelgeuse>    no
Jun 15 15:18:43 <SwifT> no ob here
Jun 15 15:18:51 <dabbott>       none here
Jun 15 15:18:54 <NeddySeagoon>  Responsibilities ...  Its just the log
Jun 15 15:19:02 <dabbott>       I got it
Jun 15 15:19:13 <NeddySeagoon>  Thanks. dabbott 
Jun 15 15:19:18 <NeddySeagoon>  Open Floor
Jun 15 15:19:19 <dabbott>       no problem
Jun 15 15:20:45 *       NeddySeagoon pronouces the meeting closed

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