This week was a little less productive than usual.  I got the front
end to be much more usable, allowing configurations to be modified by
the user at will and making it possible to view the settings of a
configuration.  I also added a validity check on configurations before
the build stage, making sure the backend won't waste time trying to
build an image with packages that are no longer available, etc.  I
broke the backend into smaller parts just to keep things better
organized and fixed various bugs that had made their way into the
backend while I've been focusing on the frontend.  I also added the
option to set a timezone, choose udev or static-dev, and to choose
from preconfigured sets of packages, such as "HTTP Servers" and
"Desktop Environments".  Lastly, I updated the welcome page to list
popular builds, recent completed builds, and recently downloaded

To do:
-Continue to expand the options available for configuring the build
-Extend the API used by frontend modules to also work for options
universal to all modules
-Add privacy options so users can choose whether to share the builds
and configurations they have created

In preparation for offering adding/removing init scripts, I'd
appreciate if people could execute the following and email it to me,
along with what arch they're running:
equery belongs /etc/init.d/*


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