Sounds like something to put in an overlay.

On Jul 20, 2011, at 10:05 AM, Maxim Koltsov <> wrote:

> Hi devs,
> I got a request to add Leechcraft ( to the
> portage tree. Leechcraft is modular internet client with many plugins.
> Main problem with it is that it has very few (less than 5, i suppose)
> active maintainers, and is needed by very limited amount of users
> (mainly friends of project lead). So, i want to use gentoo-dev ML as
> tool to 1) advert Leechcraft to larger audience and 2) ask Gentoo
> developers and users: is it worth to be in tree?
> If there are 5 votes for Leechcraft and no unfixable complaints from
> other devs, i will start adding Leechcraft to tree.
> Here you can see existing ebuilds and other info:
> Contacts of the project lead and supposed package maintaner in gentoo
> (with me as proxy): (XMPP).

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