Ricardo Loureiro posted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
excerpted below,  on Mon, 22 Aug 2005 14:26:58 +0100:

> BSD licence allows any fork to be created with any other licence, so
> a BSD project can have a GPL fork. I didn't thought about changing
> Portage itself simply because I don't know if the changes are welcome
> to Gentoo itself, probably more a Gentoo server project. But if that
> is a possibility I have no problems with GPL.

The idea is welcome, and a Gentoo Server project (with its implications
for portage) has been discussed and even started (AFAIK) a number of
times.  Whether or not it would actually be added to portage is another
matter, no promises (nor as a user could I give them), of course, but the
idea is not to complicate any such possibilities with an incompatible

Certainly, such projects have been the beginnings  of serious advances in
any number of open source projects...

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