
following is the Council Agenda proposal for the upcoming meeting on
Monday, July 26th.

* allow all members to show up (5 min)
** vote **
        add --as-needed to default profile's LDFLAGS
** discuss / vote **
        - required-use: http://dev.gentoo.org/~ferringb/required-use.html
        - review eclass removal policy
                should it be 2 years since portage went stable?
        - should there a policy about eclass API changes?
        - use of invalid DEPEND atom "EAPI_TOO_OLD" instead of calling die in
                global scope on eclasses
                        and replies
        - mailing lists
                should we post council agenda to -council? -dev? -project?
                some devs suggest we should cross-post to -dev and -council
                        but not everyone likes cross-posting as it can lead to 
                Petteri suggested punting -council and using -project instead
* go through bugs assigned to coun...@g.o
* open floor: listen to developers


If you have something urgent not included above, please reply to this


Note that I haven't added a duration to anything but the rollcall.

Instead, I recommend we follow a 10 minutes per topic rule.

If a topic's discussion passes the 10 minute mark without reaching a
decision, we move further discussion to the mailing lists.

If we need to vote for that topic, we move it to the next agenda 
with a *vote* flag.

Items with a *vote* flag cannot be moved a second time (unless there's
new data to consider), so they must be settled at that agenda's meeting,
in an attempt to avoid endless discussions.

What do you think?

Alex Alexander :: wired
Gentoo Developer

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