Hello fellow devs, I've created a script to help me keep my tree/overlays up-to-date, automatically regenerate metadata, update eix, etc.
It's not anything too sophisticated, but it works for me, so I thought I'd share it with you guys. An updated version of the script is available at my gentoo devspace: http://dev.gentoo.org/~wired/scripts/update ./update -h gives you all available options edit the script to set the defaults to your liking. the script expects the following directory structure: ${DATA_DIR}/ main/ gentoo-x86/ gentoo/ (optional) gentoo-news/ (optional) overlays/ {various overlays} overlays_disabled/ {overlays not used} make.conf autogenerated, holds active overlay list imported in /etc/make.conf ${SCRIPT_OUTPUT} if called with -c, all output goes here the make.conf is sourced in /etc/make.conf and is generated each time the overlays/ folder gets updated. the script is constantly improved and I keep the online version up-to-date. there are some options that diff/fetch the latest version for you automatically. I'll probably add a --sync option soon to make it useful on systems without a CVS checkout. hopefully some of you will find it useful. patches and feedback always welcome :) -- Alex Alexander :: wired Gentoo Developer www.linuxized.com
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