I yet wat to remove all the app-doc/ebook-* ebuilds so made a script to
manage all the ebooks in lidn.
To install just "emerge ebookmerge"

*example of use :

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ ebookmerge.sh -s python
* Results for python :
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ ebookmerge.sh -e python-2.2.1.tgz
* Dowloading eBook python-2.2.1.tgz in /var/tmp/ebooktmp...
* Dowloaded.
* Installing /var/tmp/ebooktmp/python-2.2.1.tgz in DevHelp...
* unpacking /var/tmp/ebooktmp/python-2.2.1.tgz...

The script can download, install, uninstall, search, etc :)
at moment install just works for devhelp. If somebody want to do a patch
for anjunta and kadevelop are welcome.


for more info see


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