On 03/26/10 06:23, Sebastian Pipping wrote:
> Consequences
> ------------
> So Git relies on the existence of merge commits to detect what has been
> merged already.  Creating all these merge commits is a tough job for a
> conversion tool (like svn2git) as it would have to distinguish between
> cases where just a few commist have been cherry-picked over and cases
> where all previous commits have made it over.
> So the portage Git history does not have merge commits at these points
> but plain single-parent commits.

I was wondering if this could be something that git-svn can do better
than svn2git: after all what does git-svn do in these 100 minutes taking
longer than svn2git?

So I ran a git-svn conversion again but it seems it does no better:

  # git cherry -v prefix master | wc -l

So that looks like about the same.


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